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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

Industrial robots

Support software RCX-Studio 2020 Specifications

Programming software for RCX 3 Series Controller


Software Basic specifications

Software can be downloaded from YAMAHA’s WEB site together with RCX-Studio 2020 Basic or RCX-Studio 2020 Pro.

Product name RCX-Studio 2020 Basic RCX-Studio 2020 Pro
Type Note1 KCX-M4990-40 KCX-M4990-50
License management USB key (blue) Note2 USB key (purple)
Supported language Japanese, English, Chinese
OS Note3 Microsoft Windows 7 SP1(32/64bit) / 8.1 (32 bit / 64 bit) / 10 (32 bit / 64 bit) / 11
Execution environment .NET Framework 4.5 or more
CPU Recommended: Intel Core i5 2 GHz or more, Minimum: Intel Celeron 2 GHz or more,
3D-SIM is invalid.: Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz or more
Memory Recommended: 8 GB or more, Minimum: 4 GB or more, 3D-SIM is invalid: 1 GB or more
Hard disk capacity 1GB of available space required on installation drive
Communication Port Communication cable: Serial communication port, Ethernet port, or USB port
Others Dedicated commutation cable (For D-Sub or USB)
Ethernet cable (category 5 or better)
USB port: 1 port (For USB key)
Applicable controller RCX340/RCX320
Applicable robot YAMAHA robot that can be connected to the RCX340, RCX320.
This shows the software package type. The software is common to two products and can be downloaded from YAMAHA’s WEB site.
Common to the conventional model RCX-Studio Pro.
Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names and product names listed in this manual may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Data cables (5m)

Communication cable for RCX-Studio 2020.
Select from USB cable or D-sub cable.

Model USB type (5m) KBG-M538F-00
D-Sub type
9pin-9pin (5m)
This USB cable supports Windows 2000/XP or later.
The communication cable is common to POPCOM+, VIP+, RCX-Studio Pro, and RCX-Studio 2020.
USB driver for communication cable can also be downloaded from our website.
Ethernet cable (category 5 or higher) is also supported.

USB key

A USB key is supplied to the RCX-Studio 2020 to prevent irregular movement of robots.
There will be limitations of software functions (see below chart):

Functions When the USB key is not connected RCX-Studio 2020 Basic
(blue) Note2.
RCX-Studio 2020 Pro
(purple) Note2.
Backup/restore by data transfer with controller Valid Note1. Valid Valid
Controller operation in online mode Invalid Valid Valid
File read (opening data) Invalid Valid Valid
File save Invalid Valid Valid
Real Time Trace Only data save is invalid. Valid Valid
Cycletime Calculator Invalid Valid Valid
iVY2 editor Invalid Valid Valid
Data Difference Except data saving Valid Valid
3D simulator function Only capturing is invalid. Valid Valid
Custom window Valid Valid Valid
Program template Only file output is invalid. Valid Valid
CAD data read STL, OBJ, VRML Valid Valid Valid
STEP Invalid Invalid Valid
CAD to point conversion Invalid Invalid Valid
USB key connection is required for backup when connected in offline mode.
USB key color

127 Toyooka, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8103, Japan

Telephone +81-53-525-8350 /
Facsimile +81-53-525-8378

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