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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

Industrial robots

Robot camera YFAEYE

Special knowledge on image processing is not required. The extremely easy to use camera makes image processing far easier than anyone could imagine.



Resolution 5 Million Pixels
Sensor type/color CMOS/black and white or color
Shutter Global
Frame rate 70fps (12bit), 105fps (8bit)
Number of cameras that can be connected Maximum of 16
Image processing details Yes/No, position detection, color identification Measurement, shape identification
Character/code identification OCR, code reader (1D/2D)
Robot linkage Yamaha Motor, third party robots, PLC
Light output PMW control 4 ch (200kHz)
Power source PoE/DC12-24V
Field Network EIP, PNET

External view



127 Toyooka, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8103, Japan

Telephone +81-53-525-8350 /
Facsimile +81-53-525-8378

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