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Needle felting

Hand-make the world of Yamaha Motor by needle felting. We have made a how-to guide available.

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Outboards F450A by Needle Felting
YZF-R1M brake caliper
R1M Face Mask
Rugby ball

Hand-make the world of Yamaha Motor by needle felting.

Outboard F450A

The F450A, an outboard motor with 450 horsepower, used as an instant noodle cup lid holder made by needle felting.


We created a wet-felting sauna hat of FUJISAN HEAD.

YZF-R1M brake caliper

We have reproduced an almost life-size YZF-R1M brake caliper.

R1M Face Mask

Face mask of the YZF-R1M bike that pursues performance to conquer the circuit

Rugby ball

Rugby Top League The Yamaha Motor Jubilo Official Ball


Electric Retro Pop Scooter E-Vino

WaveRunner (MJ-FX Cruiser SVHO) made by felt

WaveRunner – enjoy running around freely on the water.

SR Piston

We have reproduced the piston, which is the heart of a bike engine, by felting.


We made a needle-felted NIKEN, a sports touring bike featuring two front wheels.

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