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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

Value Innovation Factory | Making Yamaha Motor's Interpretation of the Smart Factory Reality

Value Innovation Factory
Theoretical-Value-Based Production + Yamaha Motor Craftmanship + Degital Transformation in Manufacturing

Yamaha Motor’s Monozukuri is bolstered by our exclusive theoretical-value-based production approach for making improvements centered on pursuing greater value for our customers. In this approach, we first draw up a vision of the ideal state we hope to reach, precisely assess our current situation, and then work step-by-step to close the gap between the two. Yamaha Motor Craftsmanship, on the other hand, expresses the extra touches put into each product on the factory floor in order to bring greater value to the customers who use them. Our ultimate goal is to ensure these special touches exist at every step of the production process.

Yamaha Motor will aim for a future in which the ideal envisioned not only by our workers but also by our customers becomes a reality, and continue to create new values while staying true to those we have established over the years. We will strive to create a smart factory in our own style—a Value Innovation Factory (VIF)—by making digital transformation technologies our building blocks.

The Face of the Factory in 2035
Driven by the Genba

The Rev Factory for Kando Creation: Beginnings is a short, dramatized video produced to promote the Value Innovation Factory, Yamaha Motor’s interpretation of a smart factory.

The story sees a project team of representatives from different production sites, young employees in Yamaha’s engineering and management departments, and others come together to hold numerous group discussions, in-house surveys, and more in order to create the ideal vision for Yamaha factories in the near future (2035 in the story).

Note that the scenes depicting factory environments, initiatives, technologies, equipment, products, etc., in the video are not in any way guarantees of what will be accomplished by 2035.

Short drama The RevFactory for Kando Creation |

[Main Feature] Full Ver. 15min.

*All lines and text containing "Yamaha" in this short film refer to "Yamaha Motor."


Kousuke Fukuyama is put in charge of a new project: to create a Value Innovation Factory (VIF) to spark innovations from the factory floor. To begin, he visits different areas of Yamaha Motor’s factories and observes different parts of the manufacturing process, meeting workers like Takuro Shibata, Mitsuki Ohashi, and Tsutomu Todoroki, who all have their own challenges to face in both their professional and private lives. By listening closely to what factory workers themselves have to say, Fukuyama eventually arrives at a guiding phrase: “A factory where people are center stage.” As the goal of creating a factory for Kando creation by 2035 and one that brings greater happiness for every worker begins to resonate with others, the project begins to pick up speed…


  • Kousuke Fukuyama portrayed by Kyohei Ueda

    Kousuke Fukuyamaportrayed by Kyohei Ueda

    In his eighth year at Yamaha Motor and works in the Production Control Division. After being put in charge of the planning and implementation of the VIF project, he tours the factory floors with gusto, but becomes disheartened by the tepid response he gets.

  • Takuro Shibata portrayed by Haruto Utsumi

    Takuro Shibataportrayed by Haruto Utsumi

    A newly appointed leader of a team at one of Yamaha Motor’s parts manufacturing factories. Fukuyama comes to him for input and feedback, but Shibata is less concerned with the future and more about keeping things running on the floor every day.

  • Mitsuki Ohashi portrayed by Karin Akiba

    Mitsuki Ohashiportrayed by Karin Akiba

    A working mother who is constantly exhausted from having to juggle both childcare and her job, often alone. She operates the factory’s automated transporters while keeping an eye on the clock to make sure she can pick up her daughter from daycare in time.

  • Tsutomu Todoroki portrayed by Michio Nakao

    Tsutomu Todorokiportrayed by Michio Nakao

    A master of his craft in the paint shop, whose discerning eye for beauty contributes to the excellent quality of the exteriors and bodywork of Yamaha Motor products. He is trying to teach painting techniques to a Brazilian employee temporarily stationed at the Iwata headquarters, but is struggling to communicate his techniques as well as his high standards to him.

  • Silva portrayed by Alexandore Kimura

    Silvaportrayed by Alexandore Kimura

    He was awestruck by the beauty of the fuel tanks hand-sprayed by Todoroki and requests to learn under him, but his more easygoing nature stupefies the paint shop expert, who is always ever the craftsman.

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