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Terms Explanations
BOMIt is stand for "Bill Of Materials". The BOM is a list of components and items that make up the product, and it shows the hierarchical structure, as well as the product name, the model/parts name, the manufacturer name of components, quantity of the unit, etc. are included. There are various types of BOM depending on business type. Also there are design BOM (E-BOM), manufacturing BOM (M-BOM), purchasing BOM, service BOM, etc.
CADIt is stand for "Computer Aided Design".
Design using a computer or a computer-aided design tool.
The CAD sofware dedicated for PCB or SMT industry is commonly used in SMT industry. It is include CAM function usually.
CAMIt is stand for "Computer Aided Manufacturing".
Use computers to support process design and production infrastructure preparation. In SMT industry, generate Gerber data, etc. for preparing components placement data for pick and place machine, making metal masks, or other jigs to improve the efficiency of preliminary preparation work.
IT-OptionSoftware for SMT production lines to improve productivity and quality. In terms of productivity improvement, it provides solutions such as remained components counter, automatic production program changeover. And in terms of quality improvement, set-up verification, supplied components lot trace, etc.
POT2A software that supports the creation of a placement program with advanced data creation support functions such as auto teaching. It was integrated as a function into the software "YSUP-Programing" that is released in 2021.
P-TOOLOffline software to support placement program creation. Common UI data preparation is possible for various equipment such as pick and place machine, printing presses and dispensers.
Functions such as data conversion, board editor, visual editor, database editor, line optimization, etc.
QR codeA type of 2D code developed by DENSO CORPORATION (currently DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED).
QRs are acronyms for "Quick Response" and are formats featuring high-speed reading.
YSUP-PGA new software platform that demonstrates the performance of YAMAHA's YRM-series next-generation platform. By incorporating new functions such as ASCII data transformation and standardized CAM transformation while incorporating POT2 functions, that will provide ideal environment for all customers to create program simple, efficient, and correct data.
Intelligent factoryThe name of the system that integrates in-line and off-line support software and equipment using the IoT/M2M technologies to realize smart manufacturing at the SMT Factory. It is composed of functional packages, and can be introduced in stages according to user's production form and budget.
Gerber dataA major CAM data format in SMT.
Though PCB manufacturing such as pattern, silk printing, solder resist is the main application, the data of metal mask manufacturing is also generated simultaneously. It can also be used with YSUP-Programing such as auto teaching.
Hard key/dongleA key in the form of a USB, etc. that performs license authentication, etc.

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