YAMAHA Revs your Heart

For office workers
Based on words from YAMAHA office workers.
This part of our
body gets tired!
When I sit in front of the computer for a long period of time, I end up leaning forward and putting stress on my neck and shoulders.
My lower back and legs tend to get stiff as I am sitting down all day.
My shoulders get stiff and I sometimes feel pain in my lower back as I spend all day sitting down and typing.
I feel sluggish and pain in my arms, wrists, and fingers from using the computer’s mouse and keyboard.
I get a stiff neck from working on the computer. Also, since I sit down a lot,  my legs tend to swell up.
(Woman in her 20s / Office Administration)
(Man in his 40s / Public Relations)
(Man in his 40s / Mechanical Design)
This exercise helps to
solve such tiredness and worries!
Jubilo Iwata Physical Training Coach
Atsushi Kanno

Blood circulation worsens and our body stiffens when we keep the same posture. Besides, it is easy to feel tired when blood circulates badly. Fatigue substances can be removed and fresh blood can be transferred to tired spots by improving blood circulation. In other words, instead of taking a break, we should "move our body actively" especially the parts where we feel tired. Blood circulation removes tiredness.

The fingertips, neck, shoulders and back get stressed when we sit in front of the monitor and work for a long time. These exercises help to reduce fatigue in those stressed areas and refresh the poor blood circulation that results from sitting for a long time and gain "a body that doesn't tire out so fast".

Rev Exercises -
For office workers

Hit the play button!
Simple exercises last for approx. 5-minutes!

Opinions and comments
from those who actually tried.

YAMAHA office employees tested these exercises and answered a survey.

Q1.Do you feel these exercises give you a sense of refreshment??


Q2.Do you feel these exercises can be done in a short period of time and is it easy to continue doing them?


I felt refreshed after taking a break and moving my body. I don’t think the exercises affect work much since you can do them in a short period of time.
Having the opportunity to exercise once a day was a great change of pace.
I felt refreshed at work and I could improve my concentration on work after 5 p.m.
I like that the exercises are focused on different parts of the body and are easy to do.
I think the exercises can help you loosen up your body.
When I am doing desk work for a long time, these exercises are great since they give me an opportunity to move my body.
(Man in his 30s / Mechanical Design)
(Man in his 20s /  Office Administration)
(Man in his 40s /  Office Administration)
(Man in his 40s /  Mechanical Design)
(Man in his 30s /  Public Relations)
(Woman in her 20s /  Office Administration)