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To realize a sustainable society

Katsuaki Watanabe

Katsuaki WatanabeChairman and Director, and President, Representative Director, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.

The Yamaha Motor Group’s corporate mission is to be a “Kando* Creating Company – Offering new excitement and a more fulfilling life for people all over the world,” and we operate under three management principles: Creating value that surpasses customer expectations; Establishing a corporate environment that fosters self-esteem; and Fulfilling social responsibilities globally. Based on this corporate philosophy, we have constantly pursued new challenges, leading to the opening of new markets, the creation of unique products, and the development of a wide range of businesses. Our company as it exists today was built on this history.

At the same time, we are facing an era of major transformation. Since 2020, the spread of COVID-19 infections around the world has impacted all kinds of activities on a global scale, bringing major changes to people’s lifestyles and values. In response to climate change, countries worldwide are taking increasing steps to become carbon neutral. Companies are also increasingly expected to respect human rights across the whole supply chain, as illustrated by the drive to pass laws on the issue in Europe.

In these circumstances, we have set "Rethinking Solution" as one of the themes under "Art for Human Possibilities," our long-term vision for 2030. Under that theme, we seek to resolve social issues in the unique style of Yamaha by harnessing the knowledge, technology and partners we have cultivated so far to create new value through co-creation and to develop businesses that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. Furthermore, we have declared in our Medium-term Management Plan that starts in 2022 that we intend to strengthen our sustainability efforts even further as one of the key pillars of management.

One of our management principles at Yamaha Motor is "Fulfilling social responsibilities globally," so we believe it is important to work in tandem with international agreements when it comes to sustainability. Therefore, in 2017 the Group became a signatory to the UN Global Compact, which sets out 10 principles concerning human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. We currently undertake a variety of activities in line with the compact. Going forward, while prioritizing harmony with the region, society and the global environment, we will continue to pursue initiatives that create a sustainable society in order to become a company that our stakeholders can trust.

*Kando is a Japanese word for the simultaneous feeling of deep satisfaction and intense excitement that we experience when we encounter something of exceptional value.

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