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Anti-Corruption Measures

An introduction to the Yamaha Motor Group's initiatives in the area of anti-corruption measures

The Yamaha Motor Group has declared its commitment to anti-corruption in its Basic Policies of Sustainability. Furthermore, in the Code of Ethics that stipulate the standards of behavior expected of employees and executives, we have declared our intention to restrict the entertainment and exchange of presents with public officials and always maintain healthy and transparent relationships with them. Yamaha Motor Group also signed the “United Nations Global Compact” that aims to eliminate corruption, and further explicitly prevents corruption in the “Sustainability Guideline for Suppliers”, working together with the entire supply chain of Yamaha Motor Group to combat bribery. To promote these initiatives more thoroughly at the global level, we have formulated the Yamaha Motor Group Anti-Bribery Policy and are pursuing activities in line with it.

*1: "CSR Guideline for Suppliers " in the file refers to the current "Sustainability Guideline for Suppliers".

As referenced in the “Anti-Bribery Policy”, with regard to preventing bribery, risks evaluated on a common basis Groupwide are included under “corruption” in the comprehensive risk management ledger, and bribery is included in the corrupt practices whose risks are evaluated and due diligences conducted by the operating divisions and Group companies. The Board of Directors monitors management status as an ESG issue, while also receiving regular reports from the Sustainability Committee. In addition, measures, such as the establishment of regulations for the prevention of the bribery of public officials, and the preparation of a guidebook, have been taken and disseminated throughout the Yamaha Motor Group. Other programs have been established to ensure the thorough prevention of corruption, including group training on laws and regulations, and individual training intended for persons involved (in particular, persons scheduled for overseas assignments or other positions where they may be exposed to potential high risks). A prior consultation system has also been introduced to prevent bribery, and prior consultation with the relevant legal affairs division is mandatory in cases where benefits are provided to public officials in Japan or any other country, or for subcontracting to business partners where there are existing possibilities of contact with public officials in Japan or any other country. Mandatory procedures are also in place for political contributions, based on the laws of each country involved.

There were no significant legal violations, penalties, surcharges, etc. related to anti-corruption in 2022.

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