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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart


Premium Modular Σ-F8S Overview

The “1-head solution” rotary head provides speed, versatility and high operating ratio.

Premium Modular Σ-F8S
Premium Modular Σ-F8S
  • The "1-head solution" rotary head provides. Speed, versatility and high operating ratio.
  • Fastest speed in its class! Produces 150,000 CPH with 4-beam & 4-head
  • Direct drive head gives high-speed & high-accuracy
  • The Super Loading Feeder totally innovates components supply tasks!

Function and Feature

Fastest speed in its class! Produces 150,000 CPH with 4-beam & 4-head
Super-high speed productivity! CPH150,000 (under optimum conditions as defined by Yamaha Motor) 25μm (At 140,000CPH)
Applicable components 0201mm to square 33mm

Even on rotary heads, Yamaha gives the 1-head solution!

The Super Loading Feeder totally innovates components supply tasks!(Super Loading Feeder)

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