Premium High-efficiency Modular YRM20 Feature
The 1 head solution has reached an ultimate stage. An all-around surface mounter delivering both overwhelming productivity and flexibility!
Fusion with Σ technology achieves overwhelming productivity
Super high-speed rotary RM head achieves 115,000CPH!【NEW】

Rotary head boosts component mountability of tiny components. This maintains high speed production since head replacements are no longer needed. This is technology that helps carry on the 1 head solution concept. This head can handle components ranging from super-tiny 0201mm components on up to medium-sized odd-shaped components of 12 x 12mm dimensions with heights of 6.5mm
ZSR feeder【NEW】

Drastically improved component transfer speed. The super high-speed RM head component pickup is supported, achieving high productivity.
Auto loading feeder

A simple task of cutting and inserting a tape reduces the load in the component supply work. Setting two reels makes it possible to level off the component supply timing, minimizing the risk of line stoppage due to failure of component supply.
Dual-stage conveyor【NEW】

Improved flexibility enables the use of a PCB having a maximum width of 510mm as standard. High-speed PCB conveying drastically cuts the time needed for PCB changeovers.
Note : Only supports YRM20 2-beam type
Overdrive motion Under development

Utilizes the overdrive motion from Σ technology that minimizes the interference range between 2 heads to achieve higher production efficiency.
Broad-ranging production capability thanks to the 1 head solution
High-speed multi-purpose in-line HM head

The all-around type head that can provide not only high-speed but also high flexibility handling from super-tiny 0201mm components on up to large-size components of 55 x 100mm and heights to 15mm. Combining the HM head with the RM head realizes high-speed mounting of all types of components.
Odd-shaped components capable in-line FM head

Ultra wide-range head capable of handling components ranging from super-tiny 03015mm chips to tall components to 30mm and ultra-large components of 55 x 100mm. Force control is also available.
Beam variations available in 2 types

Achieving a common platform allows selecting from 1-beam and 2-beam for configuring the X-axis according to production mode and mounting capability.
Handles various types of components

Standard features that maintain component mounting quality at a peak level!
Low impact nozzle gives high-quality mounting【NEW】

Light weight nozzles are essential standard equipment for ensuring high-speed, low-impact mounting, which is essential for mounting super-tiny components next to each other in narrow spaces. These come with nozzle IDs and improved maintenance features.
Vision system further enhancing component mounting quality

The side-view camera improves quality for mounting of tiny components. Coplanarity checker can also be installed as an option. All ImageTracer (option) saves every component recognition image, providing strong support for analysis of the mounting quality.
Nozzle and feeder maintenance warnings

Self-diagnosis and self-recovery functions continuously maintain nozzles and feeders in a clean state for continuous high-quality production.
LCR verification

Measures the electrical properties of the chip components and ensures steady loading of components without errors.
Ensures high-efficiency production with a full range of functions!
Non-stop tray feeder eATS30 【NEW】

Large-capacity tray feeder that can store up to 30 pallets. Provides a nonstop supply of tray components in pallet or magazine unit. Achieves streamlined refilling of tray components and non-stop production.
Compact tray feeder cATS10R 【NEW】

10-stage tray component feeder with excellent space saving property and cost performance.
Automatic push-up pin exchange system

This automatically positions the pushup pins. Using along with the automatic program change over function drastically reduces the workload during production changeovers.
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