Contributing to Customer Success by Supporting the Entire Process and Entire Factory

The Yamaha SMT operation offers “Entire Factory and Entire Process Support” by providing a large assortment of product lines.
To achieve customer success Yamaha serves as a total solution supplier to deal with production line and floor issues by way of equipment that “Doesn’t stop” “Doesn’t make defect parts” and is “Operator-free”.
Responding to Customer Voice with High Quality Craftsmanship that only YAMAHA can Achieve

YAMAHA designs and develops high precision machines ranging from mounters having the world’s fastest speed to high-accuracy printers and inspection machines. The underlying motive power is customer comments. What can we do to respond customer comments? YAMAHA machines are all made with this thought in mind.
Moreover we design and develop software to achieve even higher specifications by coupling together machines that are already superior on their own. YAMAHA not only enhances the accuracy and capability of its machines but also produces a total unit or system including the so-called “brain” that operates the machines.
To Continuously Respond Deeply and Broadly to Customer “WANTS”

A deep and broad range of selections is now available by merging flexibility and a challenging spirit (from i-PULSE) with ultra-high speed machines and cutting edge mounting quality (from Hitachi High-Tech Group for Surface Mounter Business). The launch of YMRH (Yamaha Motor Robotics Holdings*) is also a shift to function as a “Turn-Key provider” for semiconductor post-processing. The aim is to provide a product lineup that exceeds service just as a solution provider.
By designing and developing machines that meet needs for multiple types and varieties from all angles and providing a system where the customer entrusts all processes from their production site, Yamaha can not only meet customer expectations but can create benefits and profit for all stakeholders.
* Company name changed in January 2021 : Yamaha Robotics Holdings (YRH)
Supporting the Entire Process and Factory with the No.1 Lineup in the Industry

Giving support with a full lineup by way of “Doesn’t stop”, “Doesn’t make defect parts” and “Operator-free” production line and floor approach. The key point in building a production line is how to couple the high-spec machines together. A Yamaha specialty is providing solutions for the production site by arranging machines for all processes together into a cohesive whole.
Providing an array of mounters offering everything from the world’s top productivity to super- flexibility.
Providing the high quality printing indispensable for SMT processes
Inspection machines with superb repeatability to guarantee SMT process quality

Yamaha is the only mounter manufacturer among the major AOI manufacturers. What makes that possible is expert knowledge for manufacturing strong bodies for mounters and suspensions for motorcycles. Unbeatable repeatability cases performance from Yamaha vastly contributes a defect-free production line.
Achieving a non-stop production line with automated technology

Achieving a line with no cutoff in part feed supply and no sudden line stoppages.
Achieving the smallest operator burden in the industry and an operator-friendly environment for production and craftsmanship.
1 Stop gives “entire support”