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Approach to Global Environment

We take into account harmony with the environment in all our business activities

Initiatives to achieve harmony with the global environment

Many environmental and resource-related issues that affect the creation of a sustainable society, such as increasing global warming, the overconsumption of energy, water and other natural resources, and the loss of biodiversity, are worsening on a global level.
Climate change in particular is one of the most critical social issues facing global society, and awareness of the climate crisis continues to grow. The Paris Agreement, an international agreement for countering climate change, aims to keep the increase in the average global temperature to well under 2℃ compared to pre-Industrial Revolution times while pursuing efforts to limit the increase to 1.5℃, and the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5℃ reports the need for carbon neutrality to be achieved by 2050.
Furthermore, at the 2022 edition of the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15), an international conference for conserving biodiversity and realizing the sustainable use of biological resources, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted as a new worldwide goal for 2030. It aims to stop the loss of biodiversity to align with nature's recovery trajectory and take urgent action to reserve biodiversity loss in order to become nature positive.

In response to these social conditions, the Yamaha Motor Group will undertake initiatives to achieve harmony with the global environment.

  • To prevent global warming, we aim to become carbon neutral through activities to reduce greenhouse gases (GHS) and conserve energy.
  • We will abide by the laws and regulations of every country and region we operate in concerning the prevention of air, water and soil pollution. We will also prevent environmental pollution through continuous monitoring and the reduction of pollutants.
  • Through the efficient use of resources, such as the appropriate disposal and recycling of waste, we are pursuing initiatives to create a circular economy.
  • When it comes to the conservation of biodiversity, we will aim to be nature positive, consider the effects of our business activities and products on biodiversity throughout the value chain, and promote initiatives to reduce negative effects to the absolute minimum. Forests in particular are involved in many areas including absorbing and fixing CO2, biodiversity, water resources and soil, so we will be promoting forest conservation (zero deforestation) activities.
  • We will appropriately handle chemical substances with the potential to seriously affect human health or the environment.

In addition, initiatives to lessen global warming, reduce energy consumption, use resources effectively, improve efficiency, preserve biodiversity, and reduce our environmental impact are carried out across the entire supply chain, with our position regarding the global environment made known to the entire Group as well as to business partners including suppliers and distributors.

The Yamaha Motor Group discloses important information related to climate change according to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which was established by the Financial Stability Board, an international organization.

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