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Outboard F450A how-to guide

An outboard the size of an instant noodle cup lid holder, reproduced with needle felting. We provide how-to videos. Why not have a go?

Use needle felting to create a mini-sized F450A outboard!

The F450A, the largest horsepower outboard, is beautifully formed and is over 200 cm high. It is a sight to behold.
The F450A has been boldly arranged for needle felting to be used as a lid holder for instant noodle cups.
The shape is attractive whether you use it or display it.
Please take a look at the pattern and the how-to videos and give it a try!


* Please take care to avoid burns when handling hot water.
* When actually using your creation as a lid holder for an instant noodle cup, make sure to check the stability of the cup and your creation.
* Depending on the shape of the cup, it may not be possible to place your creation on the lid.

Required items


To make the Outboard F450A, prepare wool in the following colours.

Sheet felt:White(base felt) Sliver:White, Light Grey, Black, Dark Grey
Outboard F450A

Tools you will need

Required tools

In addition to the tools introduced in the guide to successful felting even for beginners, you will need to following tools to make the Outboard F450A.

[1] Sandwich card [2] Weight (tungsten size 14 – around 50g) [3] Ruler [4] Pliers [5] Punch [6] Adhesive [7] Permanent marker [8] Wire size 20

* You can purchase weights at fishing tackle shops, etc.



In order to make each part, match the shape and size to the pattern. We have provided the pattern in a PDF file so please download and print it for use.
When printing out, adjust the printing method to get the correct measurements by checking the scale on the paper with a ruler.

Download the Outboard F450A pattern


Check the finished firmness

As you poke the needle into the wool, it becomes more and more firm. You may wonder how firm you need to make the wool.
The firmness of the 1.8cm ball made from 1g of wool as shown in the felt ball how-to guide in the Basic Needle Felting Lesson is the standard firmness for making the Outboard F450A.
If the felt is not firm enough, it will be off-kilter when assembling or the finished item will fall apart so it is important to work the felt to make it firm.

Check the finished firmness

1 Making the upper part - Part 1

Making the upper part - Part 1

2 Making the upper part - Part 2

Making the upper part - Part 2

3 Making the upper part - Part 3

Making the upper part - Part 3

4 Making the middle part

Making the middle part

5 Making the screw part

Making the screw part

6 Assembly

Done! Done!

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