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The Logic Driving Yamaha Motor Design Ran-Ko-Kou-Shin - Observe the Past to Better Ponder the New First Series: Inheriting Aesthetic Values

2023 Exhibitions - Vol. 1

The Logic Driving Yamaha Motor Design
Ran-Ko-Kou-Shin - Observe the Past to Better Ponder the New
First Series: Inheriting Aesthetic Values

Exhibition Period: From February to July 2023

This special exhibition traces the history of Yamaha Motor Design in search of the ongoing legacy of design logic that has been passed down to today.

The first exhibition of this series is titled “Inheriting Aesthetic Values” and it introduces representative examples of the logic to be found in some iconic Yamaha motorcycle designs. With this, visitors will see 1:1 full-scale design sketches, exhibited beside displays of the actual “Vmax” and “SRX600” models that grew from them.

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