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Visitor Total Reaches Two Million!

Visitor Total Reaches Two Million on Jan. 9, 2016! A Warm Thanks to All Our Visitors

Mr. Nemoto and his family (center) received commemorative gifts from the Communication Plaza staff.

Yamaha Motor’s Communication Plaza was conceived as a project commemorating the company’s 40th anniversary and was completed to open its doors at the corporate headquarters in Iwata, Shizuoka Prefecture in 1998. A visit to the Plaza is an opportunity to see the history of Yamaha Motor, how the company has expanded globally, and perhaps to discover things you didn’t know before. In our quest to be a place for this kind of communication, the Plaza has become a facility that gathers together and displays to the public historic products from the company’s earliest years to the present, new products from our wide-ranging areas of business, and the race machines from over the years that can be said to be the origins of our “Spirit of Challenge.”

We also offer many special exhibitions designed to introduce Yamaha technology with a child’s viewpoint in mind, family-focused educational programs for youngsters to experience and experiment with things like how engines and boats work and more. In recent years, we have also been receiving an increasing number of visitors from overseas, and in the process the Plaza reached a cumulative visitor count of one million people in its tenth year.

Last year as Yamaha Motor celebrated its 60th anniversary, the exhibit spaces of the Communication Plaza underwent a renewal with the aim of making its displays more familiar, visitor-friendly, visually appealing and informative. And, as the number of visitors coming to enjoy time at the Plaza has increased, we finally had the proud occasion to welcome our two-millionth visitors on Saturday, January 9th, 2016.

Our two-millionth visitors were Mr. Nemoto and his family from Haibara-gun in Shizuoka Prefecture. “Today was my fourth visit to the Communication Plaza,” said Mr. Nemoto. “Since our children are now at the age when they are beginning to become interested in vehicles, I came with my family this time and was really surprised when we were told that we happened to be the Plaza’s two-millionth visitors. Until now, I’ve come mainly to see the special exhibitions, but now that the children are getting bigger, it’ll be nice if the Plaza increases the number of displays you can sit on or touch and child-participation events.”

The Communication Plaza’s curator, Tetsuo Ohsumi (2nd from the right in the photo), told everyone, “Thanks to the patronage of many visitors, we are proud to welcome our two-millionth visitors to the Plaza. Going forward, we will try our best to present exciting exhibits, activities and services for our visitors to enjoy, hoping that Yamaha Motor will be a company loved by more and more people, and that the Communication Plaza will be an increasingly familiar and attractive place to visit.”

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