New Organizational Reforms and Personnel Changes at Yamaha Motor
December 27, 2023
IWATA, December 27, 2023 - At the Board of Directors Meeting on December 26, 2023, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 7272) resolved to implement the following organizational reforms and personnel changes, effective January 1, 2024.
■ Organizational Reforms (effective January 1, 2024)
1. Corporate Strategy Division
With the aim of formulating and executing company-wide management strategies and M&A strategies, as well as enhancing and accelerating the response for key challenges in management, a new Corporate Strategy Division will be established under the direct supervision of the President.
・ The corporate strategies functions of the Corporate Planning Division under the Corporate Planning & Finance Center and the M&A functions of the New Business Development Division under the Technical Research & Development Center will be transferred to the Corporate Strategy Division.
2. Corporate Planning & Finance Center
In accordance with the establishment of the Corporate Strategy Division, the Corporate Planning & Finance Center will be reorganized as follows.
・ The Corporate Planning Division, supervised by the Board of Directors and which oversees the structuring and management of the corporate governance system, will change its name to the Corporate Governance Division.
3. Creative Center
With the aim of reinforcing its branding functions, the Creative Center will be reorganized.
・ The following functions of the Frontier Design Division will be transferred: the value-discovery and new value creation functions will transfer to the Brand Marketing Division and the human research and Kando research functions will transfer to the Technical Research & Development Center. The Frontier Design Division will therefore be dissolved.
4. New Business Development Center
In order to reinforce the functions to create new businesses and accelerate development, the New Business Development Center will be established.
・ The business development support functions of the New Business Development Division, the New Venture Business Development & R&D Strategy Section of the Technical Research & Development Center will be transferred to the New Business Development Center.
・ The Medical Device Business Division, Mobility Service Business Division, and Forestry Management Division of the Technical Research & Development Center will be transferred to the New Business Development Center.
・ The land mobility development functions of the Technical Research & Development Center and the marketing and business planning functions of the Yamaha Motor Powered Products Co., Ltd. will be transferred to the New Business Development Center, and a New Mobility Business Development Division will be established.
5. Technical Research & Development Center
In accordance with the establishment of the New Business Development Center, the Technical Research & Development Center will be reorganized as follows.
・ The Technology Strategy Division and New Business Development Division of the New Venture Business Development & R&D Strategy Section will be transferred to operate directly under the Technical Research & Development Center, and the New Business Development Division will change its name to Co-creation & New Business Development Division. The New Venture Business Development & R&D Strategy Section will therefore be dissolved.
6. Land Mobility Business Operations
With the aim of clarifying the responsibilities and authority of each business for each product under the Smart Power Vehicle business, as well as clarifying the roles and enhancing the advanced development functions of each development division, the Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit of the Land Mobility Business Operations will be reorganized as follows.
・ The eBike Business Division will be newly established under the Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit, and the sales planning, production control, and product planning functions for PAS completed vehicles of Business Planning Division, Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit will be transferred.
・ The Sales & Service Division of the Smart Power Vehicles Business Unit will change its name to the e-Kit Business Division.
・ The 3rd Development Division will be newly established under the Smart Power Vehicles Business Unit, and the advanced development and product strategies functions of the 1st Development Division, as well the development platform and law certification functions of the 2nd Development Division will be transferred.
7. Marine Business Operations
With the aim of further growth of the Marine Business which the Company positions as its core business, the Marine Business Operations will be reorganized as follows.
[Planning Section]
With the aim of accelerating the decision-making process within the area of manufacturing and enhancing its effectiveness, the manufacturing strategies function of the Planning Section will be transferred to the Production Promotion Division of the Manufacturing Section.
[Development Section]
With the aim of clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the advanced development, engine, system, and boat body development functions, as well as the overall acceleration of development, the Development Section will be reorganized as follows.
・ The design and testing functions of the Development Section will be reorganized to newly establish a Project Design Division, a Project Testing Division, a Functional Design Division, a Functional Testing Division, and a Engineering Service Division. The Engine Development and System Development Divisions of the Development Section will therefore be dissolved.
・ Furthermore, the product development functions for the domestic market of the Boat Body Development Division under the Development Section will be transferred to the Japan Business Section, and the Boat Body Development Division will be renamed as the WV/Overseas Boat Development Division.
[Manufacturing Section]
With the aim of accelerating the decision-making process within the marine engine, boat, and manufacturing functions as well as to ramp-up production capacity, the Manufacturing Section will be reorganized as follows.
・ The Marine Engine Manufacturing Division of the Manufacturing Section will be divided into the Marine Engine Manufacturing Division and the Marine Production Engineering Division.
・ The Boat Manufacturing Division of the Manufacturing Section will be transferred to the Japan Business Section.
[Japan Business Section]
With the aim of strengthening the functions of the domestic marine business, the Japan Business Section will be newly established directly under Marine Business Operations.
・ The functions of domestic product development, boat manufacturing, domestic marketing and sales, and FRP business of the Marine Business Operations will be reorganized, and a Domestic Sales Division, Development Division, Boat Manufacturing Division, and Swimming Pool Operation Division will be newly established. The FRP Business Development Section will therefore be dissolved.
8. Solution Business Operations
With the aim of the sustainable growth of the business and reinforcing the development system, the Engineering Section of the Robotics Business Unit under the Solution Business Operations will be reorganized.
・ The SMT Product Engineering Division of the Engineering Section under the Robotics Business Unit will be divided into the SMT Engineering Division 1 which oversees the development of screen printers, inspection machines, integrated control and management software, and the SMT Engineering Division 2 which mainly oversees the development of surface mounters and control core technologies.
The SMT Product Engineering Division will therefore be dissolved.
■ Personnel changes (effective January 1, 2024)

(Project Executive)
・The executive officers and fellows in charge of important strategic issues and projects that require cross-business and cross-functional initiatives are appointed as the project executives.
・The "Motorcycle Electrification Project" will mature medium- to long-term electrification strategies and plans in the existing MC (Motorcycle) business domain, reorganize development and manufacturing systems, and promote the prompt market launch of MC electrified products.
・In the "New Mobility Project," the Company will develop new mobility demand and applications outside the scope of its existing product lineup, focusing on the LSM (Low Speed Mobility) area.
・The "PAS Drive Unit Competitiveness Project" will develop drive units for electrically power assisted bicycles and innovate manufacturing processes to improve the market competitiveness of our products.
(Abbreviation of Division Names)
・SPV = Smart Power Vehicle
・WV = Water Vehicle
・FRP = Fiber Rein
・SMT = Surface Mount Technology
・PF = Platform
・PT = Powertrain
・SC = Scooter
・SP = Sports
・3S = Sales/Service/Spare parts
・JW = Joy Wheel
・PJ = Project
・DX = Digital Transformation
・FA = Factory Automation
・SCM = Supply Chain Management
(Main businesses of the group companies referenced above)
・Yamaha Motor Europe N.V.: Import and sales of Yamaha Motor products in the Netherlands, marketing of Yamaha Motor products in Europe, product development, finance and other businesses
・Thai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.: Manufacture and sales of motorcycles and other products in Thailand
・Yamaha Motor Philippines, Inc.: Manufacture and sales of motorcycles in the Philippines
・PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing: Manufacture and sales of motorcycles in Indonesia
・Yamaha Motor Asian Center Co., Ltd.: Development of motorcycles and other products, and promotion of cross-trade and other businesses in Thailand
・Yamaha Motor IM (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.: Import, sales and service of surface mounters, industrial robots, parts in China
・Yamaha Motor Distribution Singapore Pte. Ltd.: Import and export of Parts, Accessories, ME, WV and Boats
・Yamaha Motor Australia Pty Limited: Import and sales of Yamaha Motor products in Australia
・Yamaha Motor Distribution Latin America, Inc.: U.S. based company engaged in the import and export of spare parts and accessories to dealers in Latin American and Caribbean markets
・Yamaha Motor Finance Canada Ltd.: Provide Dealer Finance and Retail Finance
・Yamaha Motor Parts Manufacturing Vietnam Co., Ltd.: Manufacture of motorcycle parts in Vietnam
・Yamaha Motor Vietnam Co., Ltd.: Manufacture and sales of motorcycles in Vietnam
・Yamaha Motor do Brasil Ltda.: Import and sales of motorcycles, outboard motors, all-terrain vehicles, generators and other products in Brazil
・Yamaha Motor da Amazonia Ltda.: Manufacture and sales of motorcycles and outboard motors in Brazil
■Contact us from the Press
Corporate Communication Division, PR group: +81-538-32-1145
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■ Organizational Reforms (effective January 1, 2024)
1. Corporate Strategy Division
With the aim of formulating and executing company-wide management strategies and M&A strategies, as well as enhancing and accelerating the response for key challenges in management, a new Corporate Strategy Division will be established under the direct supervision of the President.
・ The corporate strategies functions of the Corporate Planning Division under the Corporate Planning & Finance Center and the M&A functions of the New Business Development Division under the Technical Research & Development Center will be transferred to the Corporate Strategy Division.
2. Corporate Planning & Finance Center
In accordance with the establishment of the Corporate Strategy Division, the Corporate Planning & Finance Center will be reorganized as follows.
・ The Corporate Planning Division, supervised by the Board of Directors and which oversees the structuring and management of the corporate governance system, will change its name to the Corporate Governance Division.
3. Creative Center
With the aim of reinforcing its branding functions, the Creative Center will be reorganized.
・ The following functions of the Frontier Design Division will be transferred: the value-discovery and new value creation functions will transfer to the Brand Marketing Division and the human research and Kando research functions will transfer to the Technical Research & Development Center. The Frontier Design Division will therefore be dissolved.
4. New Business Development Center
In order to reinforce the functions to create new businesses and accelerate development, the New Business Development Center will be established.
・ The business development support functions of the New Business Development Division, the New Venture Business Development & R&D Strategy Section of the Technical Research & Development Center will be transferred to the New Business Development Center.
・ The Medical Device Business Division, Mobility Service Business Division, and Forestry Management Division of the Technical Research & Development Center will be transferred to the New Business Development Center.
・ The land mobility development functions of the Technical Research & Development Center and the marketing and business planning functions of the Yamaha Motor Powered Products Co., Ltd. will be transferred to the New Business Development Center, and a New Mobility Business Development Division will be established.
5. Technical Research & Development Center
In accordance with the establishment of the New Business Development Center, the Technical Research & Development Center will be reorganized as follows.
・ The Technology Strategy Division and New Business Development Division of the New Venture Business Development & R&D Strategy Section will be transferred to operate directly under the Technical Research & Development Center, and the New Business Development Division will change its name to Co-creation & New Business Development Division. The New Venture Business Development & R&D Strategy Section will therefore be dissolved.
6. Land Mobility Business Operations
With the aim of clarifying the responsibilities and authority of each business for each product under the Smart Power Vehicle business, as well as clarifying the roles and enhancing the advanced development functions of each development division, the Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit of the Land Mobility Business Operations will be reorganized as follows.
・ The eBike Business Division will be newly established under the Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit, and the sales planning, production control, and product planning functions for PAS completed vehicles of Business Planning Division, Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit will be transferred.
・ The Sales & Service Division of the Smart Power Vehicles Business Unit will change its name to the e-Kit Business Division.
・ The 3rd Development Division will be newly established under the Smart Power Vehicles Business Unit, and the advanced development and product strategies functions of the 1st Development Division, as well the development platform and law certification functions of the 2nd Development Division will be transferred.
7. Marine Business Operations
With the aim of further growth of the Marine Business which the Company positions as its core business, the Marine Business Operations will be reorganized as follows.
[Planning Section]
With the aim of accelerating the decision-making process within the area of manufacturing and enhancing its effectiveness, the manufacturing strategies function of the Planning Section will be transferred to the Production Promotion Division of the Manufacturing Section.
[Development Section]
With the aim of clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the advanced development, engine, system, and boat body development functions, as well as the overall acceleration of development, the Development Section will be reorganized as follows.
・ The design and testing functions of the Development Section will be reorganized to newly establish a Project Design Division, a Project Testing Division, a Functional Design Division, a Functional Testing Division, and a Engineering Service Division. The Engine Development and System Development Divisions of the Development Section will therefore be dissolved.
・ Furthermore, the product development functions for the domestic market of the Boat Body Development Division under the Development Section will be transferred to the Japan Business Section, and the Boat Body Development Division will be renamed as the WV/Overseas Boat Development Division.
[Manufacturing Section]
With the aim of accelerating the decision-making process within the marine engine, boat, and manufacturing functions as well as to ramp-up production capacity, the Manufacturing Section will be reorganized as follows.
・ The Marine Engine Manufacturing Division of the Manufacturing Section will be divided into the Marine Engine Manufacturing Division and the Marine Production Engineering Division.
・ The Boat Manufacturing Division of the Manufacturing Section will be transferred to the Japan Business Section.
[Japan Business Section]
With the aim of strengthening the functions of the domestic marine business, the Japan Business Section will be newly established directly under Marine Business Operations.
・ The functions of domestic product development, boat manufacturing, domestic marketing and sales, and FRP business of the Marine Business Operations will be reorganized, and a Domestic Sales Division, Development Division, Boat Manufacturing Division, and Swimming Pool Operation Division will be newly established. The FRP Business Development Section will therefore be dissolved.
8. Solution Business Operations
With the aim of the sustainable growth of the business and reinforcing the development system, the Engineering Section of the Robotics Business Unit under the Solution Business Operations will be reorganized.
・ The SMT Product Engineering Division of the Engineering Section under the Robotics Business Unit will be divided into the SMT Engineering Division 1 which oversees the development of screen printers, inspection machines, integrated control and management software, and the SMT Engineering Division 2 which mainly oversees the development of surface mounters and control core technologies.
The SMT Product Engineering Division will therefore be dissolved.
■ Personnel changes (effective January 1, 2024)

(Project Executive)
・The executive officers and fellows in charge of important strategic issues and projects that require cross-business and cross-functional initiatives are appointed as the project executives.
・The "Motorcycle Electrification Project" will mature medium- to long-term electrification strategies and plans in the existing MC (Motorcycle) business domain, reorganize development and manufacturing systems, and promote the prompt market launch of MC electrified products.
・In the "New Mobility Project," the Company will develop new mobility demand and applications outside the scope of its existing product lineup, focusing on the LSM (Low Speed Mobility) area.
・The "PAS Drive Unit Competitiveness Project" will develop drive units for electrically power assisted bicycles and innovate manufacturing processes to improve the market competitiveness of our products.
(Abbreviation of Division Names)
・SPV = Smart Power Vehicle
・WV = Water Vehicle
・FRP = Fiber Rein
・SMT = Surface Mount Technology
・PF = Platform
・PT = Powertrain
・SC = Scooter
・SP = Sports
・3S = Sales/Service/Spare parts
・JW = Joy Wheel
・PJ = Project
・DX = Digital Transformation
・FA = Factory Automation
・SCM = Supply Chain Management
(Main businesses of the group companies referenced above)
・Yamaha Motor Europe N.V.: Import and sales of Yamaha Motor products in the Netherlands, marketing of Yamaha Motor products in Europe, product development, finance and other businesses
・Thai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.: Manufacture and sales of motorcycles and other products in Thailand
・Yamaha Motor Philippines, Inc.: Manufacture and sales of motorcycles in the Philippines
・PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing: Manufacture and sales of motorcycles in Indonesia
・Yamaha Motor Asian Center Co., Ltd.: Development of motorcycles and other products, and promotion of cross-trade and other businesses in Thailand
・Yamaha Motor IM (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.: Import, sales and service of surface mounters, industrial robots, parts in China
・Yamaha Motor Distribution Singapore Pte. Ltd.: Import and export of Parts, Accessories, ME, WV and Boats
・Yamaha Motor Australia Pty Limited: Import and sales of Yamaha Motor products in Australia
・Yamaha Motor Distribution Latin America, Inc.: U.S. based company engaged in the import and export of spare parts and accessories to dealers in Latin American and Caribbean markets
・Yamaha Motor Finance Canada Ltd.: Provide Dealer Finance and Retail Finance
・Yamaha Motor Parts Manufacturing Vietnam Co., Ltd.: Manufacture of motorcycle parts in Vietnam
・Yamaha Motor Vietnam Co., Ltd.: Manufacture and sales of motorcycles in Vietnam
・Yamaha Motor do Brasil Ltda.: Import and sales of motorcycles, outboard motors, all-terrain vehicles, generators and other products in Brazil
・Yamaha Motor da Amazonia Ltda.: Manufacture and sales of motorcycles and outboard motors in Brazil
■Contact us from the Press
Corporate Communication Division, PR group: +81-538-32-1145
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