Revision of Forecasts for Consolidated Business Results and Year-End Dividends for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2023 and Interim Dividend Payment Decision
August 8, 2023
IWATA, August 8,2023 - Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 7272) hereby announces that at the Board of Directors meeting held today, the Company has decided to revise the forecasts announced on February 13, 2023 for its consolidated business results, come to a decision on interim dividends to be paid from surplus with June 30, 2023 as the reference date, and revised its year-end dividends forecast for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023.
1. Revisions to Consolidated Business Results Forecast
(January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023)
(1) Revision Content
(2) Reasons for the Revisions
For the remainder of the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, while the market situation is worsening for the robotics and SPV businesses and outdoor recreation demand is showing signs of settling down, the effects from steep raw material prices are expected to taper off. Additionally, in light of the depreciating trend of the yen, the Company has revised its forecasts for net sales and various incomes as above.
2. Interim Dividend Payments from Surplus and Revisions to Year-End Dividends Forecast
(1) Interim Dividend Payments from Surplus
(2) Year-End Dividends Forecast Revisions
(3) Reasons for the Revisions and Interim Dividend Payment Decision
In line with the revisions made to the consolidated business results forecast for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, the forecast for year-end dividends was revised accordingly, and the Company has also decided on an interim dividend payment of 72.50 yen per share.
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Corporate Communication Division, PR group: +81-538-32-1145
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1. Revisions to Consolidated Business Results Forecast
(January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023)
(1) Revision Content

(2) Reasons for the Revisions
For the remainder of the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, while the market situation is worsening for the robotics and SPV businesses and outdoor recreation demand is showing signs of settling down, the effects from steep raw material prices are expected to taper off. Additionally, in light of the depreciating trend of the yen, the Company has revised its forecasts for net sales and various incomes as above.
2. Interim Dividend Payments from Surplus and Revisions to Year-End Dividends Forecast
(1) Interim Dividend Payments from Surplus

(2) Year-End Dividends Forecast Revisions

(3) Reasons for the Revisions and Interim Dividend Payment Decision
In line with the revisions made to the consolidated business results forecast for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, the forecast for year-end dividends was revised accordingly, and the Company has also decided on an interim dividend payment of 72.50 yen per share.
■Contact us from the Press
Corporate Communication Division, PR group: +81-538-32-1145
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