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Internal Control

The following outlines our internal control.

Internal Control

Basic Policy Regarding the Internal Control System and the State of Its Development

The Company, in accordance with the Companies Act and the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Companies Act, passed a resolution at a Board of Directors’ meeting regarding development of a system to ensure the conduct of its business is appropriate. The Company considers risk management and compliance its most important issues, and is therefore continuing to develop the internal control system.

Systems to Ensure the Directors Compliance with Acts, Regulations and the Company’s Articles of Incorporation
Maintenance and Administration of Information Concerning the Business Conduct of Directors
Rules Relating to Risk Control against Loss
Systems to Ensure Efficient Execution of Directors’ Duties
Systems to Ensure Employee Compliance with Acts, Regulations and the Company’s Articles of Incorporation
Systems to Ensure that the Yamaha Motor Group (Composed of the Company and Its Subsidiaries) Conducts Business Appropriately
Systems to Report to the Company on Matters Concerning the Execution of Duties at the Company’s Subsidiaries by Directors, Employees Who Execute Business, and Any Person in an Equivalent Position (Directors, Etc.)
Rules Relating to Risk Management Against Loss by the Company’s Subsidiaries and Other Systems
Systems to Ensure Efficient Execution of Duties by Directors, Etc. of the Company’s Subsidiaries
Systems to Ensure That the Execution of Duties by Directors, Etc. and Employees of the Company’s Subsidiaries Complies with Acts, Regulations and the Company’s Articles of Incorporation
Employee to Assist Audit & Supervisory Board Members
Employee Assisting Audit & Supervisory Board Members Independence from Directors
Matters in Respect of Ensuring the Effectiveness of Instructions Given by Audit & Supervisory Board Members to the Employees Assisting Audit & Supervisory Board Members
Rules Concerning Directors and Employees Reporting to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members
Rules to Submit a Report to Audit & Supervisory Board Members by the Subsidiaries’ Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, Employees Who Execute Business, Any Other Person in an Equivalent Position and Employees or Any Person Who Received Reports from Aforementioned Persons
Systems to Ensure That Any Person Who Reports as Described in the Preceding Paragraph Will Not Receive Any Disadvantageous Treatment Due to Such Reporting
Matters Regarding the Policy for Handling Expenses or Liabilities Incurred in Relation to the Procedures for the Advance Payment or Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred During the Execution of Duties by Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and Other Expenses or Liabilities Incurred During Execution of the Said Duties
Other Systems to Ensure Effective Auditing by Audit& Supervisory Board Members

As mentioned, the above is a summary of the “ Basic Policies of Internal Control ” For the full text, please refer to the following page.

Basic Views on Eliminating Anti-Social Forces

The Company maintains a robust posture against antisocial forces that threaten the order and safety of civil society and specifies the division responsible for reinforcing this commitment in its Code of Ethics while also collecting necessary information.

The Company does not have any relations with criminal organizations or other antisocial forces and does not make payments to members of criminal organizations. This policy is disseminated to all officers and employees mainly through internal notifications and in-house training.

The Company is pushing ahead with measures such as verifying the attributes of the other party involved in the transaction when the transaction is suspected to support the activities of criminal organizations, and taking steps to ensure contracts can be immediately terminated in cases when the other party involved in the transaction is found to be an antisocial force.

The Company cooperates with the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation established for the purpose of eliminating criminal organizations from society and its subordinate organization, the Antiviolence Promotion Council, and other specialized agencies and uses the latest information on antisocial forces provided by such organizations to raise the awareness of employees as required.

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