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Employee: Related Data

Introduces data related to employees.

Employee data

Item Unit 2020 2021 2022
Number of employees
<Non-Japanese, included in the figure above>
 persons 52,437
Number of employees
<Non-Japanese, included in the figure above>
  persons 10,359
Male 9,146 8,945 8,924
Female 1,213 1,209 1,269
Average age (non-consolidated)   age 41.4 41.7 41.8
Male 41.8 42.1 42.3
Female 38.9 38.9 38.6
Average years of continuous service
  years 17.7 17.9 17.8
Male 18.2 18.2 18.1
Female 15.6 15.9 15.5
Number of new graduates recruited
  persons 244 188 192
Male 174 130 134
Female(ratio) 70 (28.7%) 58 (30.9%) 58 (30.2%)
Of which global talent (ratio) 18 (7.4%) 16 (8.5%) 8 (4.2%)
Total number of managers
  persons 3,653 4,129
Male 3,248 3,616
Female(ratio) 350 (9.7%) 455 (11.2%)
Total number of managers
  persons 1,285 1,315 1,334
Male 1,254 1,278 1,291
Female(ratio) 31 (2.4%) 37 (2.8%) 43 (3.2%)
Total number of managers
(non-consolidated, secondments included)
  persons 1,663 1,688 1,717
Male 1,625 1,644 1,666
Female(ratio) 38 (2.3%) 40 (2.6%) 51 (3.0%)
Number of junior managers
  persons 964 972 987
Male 940 944 954
Female(ratio) 24(2.5%) 28(2.9%) 33(3.3%)
Number of junior managers
(non-consolidated, secondments included)
  persons 1,177 1,187 1,207
Male 1,149 1,156 1,170
Female(ratio) 28(2.4%) 31(2.6%) 37(3.1%)
Number of general managers or higher
  persons 152 146 145
Male 147 140 139
Female(ratio) 5(3.3%) 6(4.1%) 6(4.1%)
Number of core positions - general managers or higher
  positions 197 186 177
Male 191 180 170
Female(ratio) 6(3.0%) 6(3.2%) 7(4.0%)
Number of core positions - equivalent to general managers or higher at Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
  positions 418 408 393
Male 404 392 374
Female(ratio) 14(3.3%) 16(3.9%) 19(4.8%)
Number of executive officers
(excluding directors)
  persons 26 27 26
Male 26 27 25
Female(ratio) 0 0 1(3.8%)
Ratio of local talent among those in management positions at overseas subsidiaries   ratio 51% 51% 52%
Number of managers in revenue-generating sections
  persons 1,137 1,167 1,191
Male 1,118 1,145 1,165
Female(ratio) 19(1.7%) 22(1.9%) 26(2.2%)
Average annual salary
  yen 7,140,882 7,260,800 7,954,097*2
Male 7,378,620 7,516,364 8,243,276
Female 5,263,422 5,331,311 5,863,487
Status of employees leaving the Company (non-consolidated) *3 Used early retirement program   persons 53 42 42
Male 49 38 38
Female 4 4 4
Voluntary   persons 71 113 116
Male 55 91 86
Female 16 22 30
10's・20's persons 34 53 53
30's 26 45 49
40's 8 12 12
50's・60's 3 3 2
Involuntary   persons 0 0 0
Male 0 0 0
Female 0 0 0
Transfer   persons 0 0 0
Male 0 0 0
Female 0 0 0
Other   persons 11 8 5
Male 11 8 4
Female 0 0 1
Ratio of female employees (by region) Japan % 15.5 14.9 16
North America 30.1 30.5 30.2
Europe 21.2 23.0 22.8
Asia 27.1 23.9 27.2
Other 22.0 23.1 23.1
(Overall) 23.5 21.9 23.4
Regional breakdown of managers Japan % 47.7 43.6
North America 14.9 12.6
Europe 7.6 6.7
Asia 25.8 33.9
Other 4.0 3.2

The " non-consolidated " indicates the number of employees belonging to Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., and the " non-consolidated, secondments included" indicates the number of employees registered with Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., including those working on secondment in other companies.
*1 The total for men and women does not match the total because some of the data could not be obtained.
*2 The ratio to the annual compensation amount of the President and Representative Director in 2022 was 44 : 1.
*3As for the global status of employees who left the Company in 2022, the turnover rate (including mandatory retirement) was 8.0%, of which 3.8% was voluntary retirement.

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