Resolving Local Community Issues Social Contribution Activities
Introducing examples of activities that contribute to solutions for community issues
Usingkamishibai(paper theater) to raise awareness for the importance of clean water in communities where Yamaha Clean Water Supply Systems are installed
In order to solve social issues through our business, our Overseas Market Development Operations is working to supply hygienic drinking water and water for daily use by introducing Yamaha Clean Water Supply Systems, which are compact water purification equipment, to rural areas in emerging nations where it is difficult to access clean water.
As part of these initiatives, we are holdingkamishibai(paper theater) to raise awareness for hygienic water use in villages where Yamaha Clean Water Supply Systems have been installed. Our aim is to help residents (especially children) in rural areas where people have used water directly from rivers for daily life for many years. We seek to instill such people with a deeper understanding of the importance of clean water. As an approach suited to the local environment, we use paper theater storytelling and skits to enjoyably convey the importance of clean water without relying on language.
In June 2019, we visited three villages in the Saint-Louis region, Republic of Senegal. In December 2023, we visited two villages in West Java Province, Republic of Indonesia. At these villages, we conducted awareness-raising activities for children in town squares and schools. During these activities, we shared with the children the message of our clean water project slogan, “Changing Water Changes Life,” and conveyed the importance of clean, pure water. We hope that safe drinking water will support a brighter future for local residents, and we will continue our social contribution activities for promoting regional development.