Hybrid Drone Engine | Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
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Hybrid Drone Engine

Hybrid Drone Engine

Drone Partners! We passionately support your drone business and dream. Drone Partners! We passionately support your drone business and dream.

Our Vision

Our vision is to relieve operators from battery replacing and charging tasks that happen every 20-30 mins. With a longer flight time, we will support your drone dreams.

Flight Time Simulations

The flight time of your drones depends on your purpose. These are examples of our calculations depending on the use case.

Heavy Lifting / SprayingFor heavy lifting and spraying purposes, when you need an 18kg payload excluding fuel, your drone will fly for 1 hour with 10-liter gasoline.
Pro Camera ShootingFor pro-camera shooting purposes, we imagine that your camera weighs 10kg. In this situation, your drone will fly for 2.4 hours with 14-liter gasoline.
Light Delivery / Monitoring / InspectionWith very light payload like a 2.5kg package or sensor, your drone willget maximum 3.5 hour flight with30-litter gasoline.

Condition: 20℃(68F) and 0m (Above Sea Level)

How We Realize It

With co-development partners, we will develop an aerial hybrid engine to fly drones for a maximum of 3.5 hours.

Combustion Engine UnitWe will use a highly reliable drone engine That has flown 2800 helicopters for the last 30 years. The unit includes an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) made by Yamaha.
Generator UnitOur outstanding electric engineers will design a highly efficient generator. We will procure a lithium-ion battery that has high-rate discharge properties and high reliability.

Aerial Hybrid Unit

  • Output: 17kW
  • Weight: 76.6kg
  • Voltage: 300V

Completed Drone Simulation

Here is the rough simulation that gives you the feeling of your future drone.

Payload+Gasoline map(Calculation)
0 20 40

Above Sea Level(m)

0 25kg 25kg 10kg
400 25kg 15kg 1kg
800 20kg 6kg -
1000 15kg 1kg -
(Condition: Hybrid Unit=77kg, Drone Body=40kg)

Estimated Schedule

We want to share our schedule to align with your plan. We can change the schedule depending on your requests.



We want to share our schedule to align with your plan. We can change the schedule depending on your requests.

Detailed information

Provide more detailed information about the power unit



Provide confirmed specification of the power unit

Interface and API

Get together to fix the interface and API specifications of the power unit



Provide a mass production prototype


Supply mass-production units

Continue to grow together

Required Terms for
Co-Development Partners

We require some terms for better collaboration.
Currently, we are developing our power unit and we need your feedback to make it much better.

Required Terms

  • Have developed/Are developing drones
  • Are motivated to help us develop the game-changing engine from your drone developer perspective

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If you are interested, please wait for the next application.