New Organizational Reforms and Personnel Changes at Yamaha Motor
December 20, 2024
IWATA, December 20, 2024 - At today's Board of Directors Meeting, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 7272) resolved to implement the following organizational reforms and personnel changes, effective January 1, 2025.
■ Organizational reforms (effective January 01, 2025)
1. Corporate Strategy Center
In promoting the medium-term management plan, the Company will establish a new Corporate Strategy Center with the aim of strengthening its corporate strategy function and sustainability perspective in company-wide strategies and accelerating transformation and new business development through digital technology.
- The Corporate Strategy Division will be transferred to the Corporate Strategy Center.
- The planning functions of the Sustainability Division under the Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be transferred to the Corporate Strategy Division.
- The Digital Strategy Division of the IT Center will be transferred.
- A New Business Development Section will be established, to which the Mobility Service Business Division, Medical Device Business Division, and Forestry Management Division of the New Business Development Center will be transferred, and a new General Planning Division will be established.
2. Human Resources & General Affairs Center
The Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be reorganized with the aim of unifying internal control of environmental initiatives and improving their efficiency and effectiveness.
- A new Environmental Promotion Division will be established and will take over responsibilities related to company-wide environmental policy formulation, planning and promotion of environmental activities, and external disclosure of information from the Sustainability Division, as well as tasks related to chemical substances contained in products from the International Trade Control Division.
3. Global Risk, Compliance, Legal and IP Center
A new Global Risk, Compliance, Legal and IP Center will be established with the aim of strengthening risk and compliance (RC) governance on a global basis.
- The risk management and subsidiary governance functions of the Sustainability Division of the Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be transferred directly to the Center.
- A new Legal Strategy Division will be established, and the legal strategy and global compliance strategy functions of the Legal & Intellectual Property Division under the Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be transferred to it.
- A new IP Strategy Division will be established, to which the intellectual property strategy functions of the Legal & Intellectual Property Division of the Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be transferred.
- The functions of security trade control, economic security promotion, and import/export control of the International Trade Control Division under the Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be transferred.
4. Corporate Planning & Finance Center
In order to strengthen the competitiveness of the Group's financial services business and to develop the business, the financial services business structure of the Headquarters and Group companies will be reorganized.
- The Headquarters' financial services business promotion and management functions will be transferred to the Yamaha Motor Finance Corporation (YMFC), a business management company established in the United States in 2022.
- In accordance with this, the Financial Service Development Division will be dissolved.
5. IT Center
The IT Center will be reorganized in order to strengthen responses to cyber risks globally.
- A new Cyber Security Promotion Division will be established, and the cyber risk countermeasures functions of the Process & IT Division will be transferred to it.
6. Technical Research & Development Center
[Technical Development Section]
The Technical Development Section will be reorganized with the aim of acquiring core technologies and creating new values to realize the Company's technological vision.
- The Advanced Product Development Division and Control System Development Division will be reorganized to newly establish the Energy Management Research Development Division, which will conduct research into electrification technologies, the Intelligentization Research Division, which will conduct research into machine learning and autonomous control technologies; and the Human Research Division, which will conduct research into human understanding and potential.
[Automotive Development Section]
The Automotive Development Section will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening overall vehicle development capabilities.
- A new Engineering Division 3 will be established and will receive some of the vehicle development functions of Engineering Division 1 and Engineering Division 2.
[Digital Development Section]
The Digital Development Section will be reorganized with the aim of shortening product development lead times.
- The new Digital Acceleration Division will be established specializing in product development using digital technology.
7. Manufacturing Center
Following the absorption-type merger of Yamaha Motor Electronics Co., Ltd. (YEJP), the Manufacturing Section and Manufacturing Engineering Section will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening Monozukuri manufacturing.
- A new Morimachi Manufacturing Division will be established within the Manufacturing Section, and YEJP's Manufacturing Division will be transferred into it.
- The PF Body Engineering Division of the Manufacturing Engineering Section will be renamed to the Body Manufacturing Engineering Division.
- A new Electrification Component Engineering Division will be established within the Manufacturing Engineering Section and the Manufacture Technology Division of YEJP will be transferred to it.
8. Procurement Center
[Strategy Planning Section]
The Strategy Planning Section will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening procurement strategy and sustainability promotion functions.
- The Procurement Planning Division will be split off to newly establish the Procurement Strategy Planning Division and the Procurement Control Division.
[Procurement Section]
Following the absorption-type merger of YEJP, the Procurement Section will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening electrical equipment technology development.
- The Procurement Department of the YEJP will be transferred and a new Mori-machi Procurement Division will be established.
9. Powertrain Development Center
In order to clarify business operations, strengthen development of electric powertrains, and expand into business products, the Powertrain Unit will be renamed the Powertrain Development Center and will be reorganized.
- The Powertrain Advanced Planning & Development Section will be renamed the Advanced Planning & Development Division.
- A new 3rd PT Design & Development Division will be established, to which the recreational vehicle design functions of the 2nd PT Design & Development Division of the Product Development Section will be transferred.
- A new Electric Development Section will be established, and the electric vehicle testing functions of the Product Development Section's 1st PT Testing Division and Electric PT Development Division as well as the electric development operations of the 1st Development Division of the Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit under the Land Mobility Business Operations will be transferred to it.
- The Electric PT Development Division will be transferred to the Electric Development Section, and a new Power Supply Development Division will be established to manage battery development.
10. Mobility System Development Center
In order to speed up development cycles, increase efficiency, and strengthen competitiveness, the Company will establish a new Mobility System Development Center that will bring together the development of electrical and electronic systems for LSM, MC, and SPV mobility vehicles.
- The Company will establish a new Planning Division to which some of the functions of the Electronics Technology Planning Division of the Electronics Technology Section of the PF Model Unit will be transferred. Also transferring will be the electrical component development functions of the Land Mobility Business Operations Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit, the 1st Development Division, and the LSM transmission development and testing functions of Yamaha Motor Power Products Co., Ltd. (YMPC).
- The System Development Division of the Electronics Technology Section of the PF Model Unit will be transferred to the System Development Division.
- The Component Development Division of the Electronics Technology Section of the PF Model Unit will be transferred to the Component Development Division.
- The Advanced Development & Testing Division will be newly established to transfer the advanced development functions of the Electronics Technology Planning Division of the Electronics Technology Section of the PF Model Unit, and some of the functions of the Component Development Division of the Electronics Technology Section within the PF Model Unit.
- In line with this, the Electronics Technology Section of the PF Model Unit will be dissolved.
11. Motorcycle Development Center
With the aim of clarifying business operations and maximizing performance through organizational management specializing in motorcycles and motorsports, the PF Model Unit will be renamed the Motorcycle Development Center and will be reorganized.
- The organizational structure of the PF Model Development Section within the PF Model Unit will be changed, and its name will be changed to the Motorcycle Development Strategy Division.
- The prototype planning and procurement functions of the Prototype Technology Division of the Manufacturing Technology Center will be transferred to the PF Model Development Section within the PF Model Unit, and reorganized as the Motorcycle Development Strategy Division.
- Some of the testing functions of the Off-road Vehicle Development Division and the testing management functions of the PF Strategy Division within the PF Model Development Section of the PF Model Unit will be transferred to the Motorcycle Testing Division within the PF Model Development Section of the PF Model Unit. These will then be reorganized into the 1st Motorcycle Testing Division and the 2nd Motorcycle Testing Division.
12. Land Mobility Business Operations
≪Motorcycle Business Unit≫
The Motorcycle Business Unit will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening marketing capabilities and improving management of regional businesses.
[Marketing Section]
- The Global Branding Section will be renamed to the Marketing Section.
- A new Marketing Strategy Division will be established within the Marketing Section, which will consolidate marketing strategy formulation, business promotion, and branding activities.
- Product planning functions will be consolidated, and the Product & Marketing Planning Division within the Global Branding Section will be renamed the Marketing Strategy Division within the Marketing Section.
- Model profitability planning and management operations will be consolidated, and the Planning Consultancy & Intelligence Division of the Global Branding Section will be renamed as the Planning Solution Division of the Marketing Strategy Division.
[Business Management Section]
- The business planning and integrated strategy operations of the Land Mobility Total Strategy Section will be integrated with the 3S 1st Area Section and the 3S 2nd Area Section of the Motorcycle Business Unit to establish a new Business Management Section.
- The Business Planning Division, Southeast & East Asia Division, Emerging Countries Division, and Advanced Countries Division of the 3S 1st Area Section and the 3S 2nd Area Section within the Land Mobility Total Strategy Section, will be transferred to the Business Management Section.
≪Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit≫
The Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit will be reorganized with the aim of consolidating resources to improve technological development capabilities in the electric vehicle field across the company and to increase operational efficiency.
- The 2nd Development Division will be renamed the SPV Development Division and will be responsible for vehicle design and testing focused on the development of completed vehicles for the domestic market and JW vehicles for the domestic and overseas markets.
- The 3rd Development Division will focus on the e-Kit business and advanced planning and will be renamed the SPV R&D Division, which will manage advanced development of peripheral devices and the development foundation for the entire SPV business.
- The 1st Development Division which develops and tests drivetrains and components will be transferred to the Powertrain Development Center, Mobility System Development Center and dissolved.
≪Electric Vehicle Business Development Section≫
A new Electric Vehicle Business Development Section will be established with the aim of improving management capabilities for the entire EV motorcycle business and transitioning it into a growth business.
- The business planning, product strategy, and marketing functions related to motorcycle EV products currently performed by the Land Mobility Total Strategy Section and the Motorcycle Business Unit will be consolidated to form a new Electric Vehicle Business Development Section.
13. Outdoor Land Vehicle Business Operations
A new Outdoor Land Vehicle Business Operations will be established with the aim of innovating its foundation for long-term growth and creating synergy effects by consolidating businesses with their main market in the United States.
- A new Recreational Vehicle Business Unit will be established to clarify direction and authority for the entire business.
- A new RV Planning & Strategy Division will be established within the Recreational Vehicle Business Unit, and the RV Division under the 3S 2nd Area Section of the Motorcycle Business Unit, which is part of the Land Mobility Business Operations, will be transferred to it.
- A new RV Development Division will be established within the Recreational Vehicle Business Unit, and the Off-road Vehicle Development Division of the PF Model Development Section within the PF Model Unit will be transferred to it.
- A new Low Speed Mobility Business Unit will be established to clarify direction and authority for the entire business.
- The Low-Speed Mobility Business Unit will include newly established divisions: the Strategy Planning Division, Marketing Division, and Development Division. Additionally, the business management, planning, development, and sales functions of the YMPC will be transferred to the New Mobility Business Development Division under the New Business Development Center.
14. Marine Business Operations
[Quality Assurance Section]
The Quality Assurance Section will be reorganized with the aim of streamlining and strengthening compliance assessments of various laws and regulations and the acquisition of international standard certifications.
- The planning and management functions for quality assurance work, as well as the functions for evaluating compliance with regulations, will be consolidated into a new Regulation QA Division.
[Development Section]
The Development Section will be reorganized with the aim of increasing development speed, strengthening experimental capabilities, and improving efficiency.
- The Project Testing Division and the Functional Testing Division will be integrated to form the new Experimental Testing Division.
[Planning Section]
The Planning Section will be reorganized with the aim of specializing in product planning functions.
- The regulatory certification acquisition and management operations of the Strategy Planning Division will be transferred to the Quality Assurance Section, which will be renamed the Product Planning Division.
15. Overseas Market Development Operation Business Unit
The Overseas Market Development Operation Business Unit will be reorganized with the aim of improving profitability through after-sales service and strengthening brand power.
- A new Service Division will be established, consolidating the service functions of the Africa Market Development Division and the Area Marketing Division.
16. Customer Experience Business Unit
The Customer Experience Business Unit will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening business governance and improving business management systems and operations.
- The quality and information control functions of the SCM Division and Service Division will be consolidated to create a new Quality Administration Division.
■ CxO (Chief Officer) New Position
CxO (Chief Officer): CEO, CFO, CQO, CSO, and CRCO are delegated some of the authority and responsibility of the president, and have the authority to give orders and instructions to the entire company in specific fields, and carry out business operations from a cross-organizational perspective. This is intended to strengthen governance further and speed up decision-making, with the aim of increasing corporate value.
■ Personnel changes (effective January 1, 2025)
1. Changes in duties of Directors and Executive Officers
2. Change in duties of Executive Officers
3. Changes in duties of Fellows
4. Changes in duties of Chief General Managers, Executive General Managers, Senior General Managers
5. Change in duties of General Managers
6. Personnel Changes at Group Companies

■ Organizational reforms (effective January 01, 2025)
1. Corporate Strategy Center
In promoting the medium-term management plan, the Company will establish a new Corporate Strategy Center with the aim of strengthening its corporate strategy function and sustainability perspective in company-wide strategies and accelerating transformation and new business development through digital technology.
- The Corporate Strategy Division will be transferred to the Corporate Strategy Center.
- The planning functions of the Sustainability Division under the Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be transferred to the Corporate Strategy Division.
- The Digital Strategy Division of the IT Center will be transferred.
- A New Business Development Section will be established, to which the Mobility Service Business Division, Medical Device Business Division, and Forestry Management Division of the New Business Development Center will be transferred, and a new General Planning Division will be established.
2. Human Resources & General Affairs Center
The Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be reorganized with the aim of unifying internal control of environmental initiatives and improving their efficiency and effectiveness.
- A new Environmental Promotion Division will be established and will take over responsibilities related to company-wide environmental policy formulation, planning and promotion of environmental activities, and external disclosure of information from the Sustainability Division, as well as tasks related to chemical substances contained in products from the International Trade Control Division.
3. Global Risk, Compliance, Legal and IP Center
A new Global Risk, Compliance, Legal and IP Center will be established with the aim of strengthening risk and compliance (RC) governance on a global basis.
- The risk management and subsidiary governance functions of the Sustainability Division of the Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be transferred directly to the Center.
- A new Legal Strategy Division will be established, and the legal strategy and global compliance strategy functions of the Legal & Intellectual Property Division under the Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be transferred to it.
- A new IP Strategy Division will be established, to which the intellectual property strategy functions of the Legal & Intellectual Property Division of the Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be transferred.
- The functions of security trade control, economic security promotion, and import/export control of the International Trade Control Division under the Human Resources & General Affairs Center will be transferred.
4. Corporate Planning & Finance Center
In order to strengthen the competitiveness of the Group's financial services business and to develop the business, the financial services business structure of the Headquarters and Group companies will be reorganized.
- The Headquarters' financial services business promotion and management functions will be transferred to the Yamaha Motor Finance Corporation (YMFC), a business management company established in the United States in 2022.
- In accordance with this, the Financial Service Development Division will be dissolved.
5. IT Center
The IT Center will be reorganized in order to strengthen responses to cyber risks globally.
- A new Cyber Security Promotion Division will be established, and the cyber risk countermeasures functions of the Process & IT Division will be transferred to it.
6. Technical Research & Development Center
[Technical Development Section]
The Technical Development Section will be reorganized with the aim of acquiring core technologies and creating new values to realize the Company's technological vision.
- The Advanced Product Development Division and Control System Development Division will be reorganized to newly establish the Energy Management Research Development Division, which will conduct research into electrification technologies, the Intelligentization Research Division, which will conduct research into machine learning and autonomous control technologies; and the Human Research Division, which will conduct research into human understanding and potential.
[Automotive Development Section]
The Automotive Development Section will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening overall vehicle development capabilities.
- A new Engineering Division 3 will be established and will receive some of the vehicle development functions of Engineering Division 1 and Engineering Division 2.
[Digital Development Section]
The Digital Development Section will be reorganized with the aim of shortening product development lead times.
- The new Digital Acceleration Division will be established specializing in product development using digital technology.
7. Manufacturing Center
Following the absorption-type merger of Yamaha Motor Electronics Co., Ltd. (YEJP), the Manufacturing Section and Manufacturing Engineering Section will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening Monozukuri manufacturing.
- A new Morimachi Manufacturing Division will be established within the Manufacturing Section, and YEJP's Manufacturing Division will be transferred into it.
- The PF Body Engineering Division of the Manufacturing Engineering Section will be renamed to the Body Manufacturing Engineering Division.
- A new Electrification Component Engineering Division will be established within the Manufacturing Engineering Section and the Manufacture Technology Division of YEJP will be transferred to it.
8. Procurement Center
[Strategy Planning Section]
The Strategy Planning Section will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening procurement strategy and sustainability promotion functions.
- The Procurement Planning Division will be split off to newly establish the Procurement Strategy Planning Division and the Procurement Control Division.
[Procurement Section]
Following the absorption-type merger of YEJP, the Procurement Section will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening electrical equipment technology development.
- The Procurement Department of the YEJP will be transferred and a new Mori-machi Procurement Division will be established.
9. Powertrain Development Center
In order to clarify business operations, strengthen development of electric powertrains, and expand into business products, the Powertrain Unit will be renamed the Powertrain Development Center and will be reorganized.
- The Powertrain Advanced Planning & Development Section will be renamed the Advanced Planning & Development Division.
- A new 3rd PT Design & Development Division will be established, to which the recreational vehicle design functions of the 2nd PT Design & Development Division of the Product Development Section will be transferred.
- A new Electric Development Section will be established, and the electric vehicle testing functions of the Product Development Section's 1st PT Testing Division and Electric PT Development Division as well as the electric development operations of the 1st Development Division of the Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit under the Land Mobility Business Operations will be transferred to it.
- The Electric PT Development Division will be transferred to the Electric Development Section, and a new Power Supply Development Division will be established to manage battery development.
10. Mobility System Development Center
In order to speed up development cycles, increase efficiency, and strengthen competitiveness, the Company will establish a new Mobility System Development Center that will bring together the development of electrical and electronic systems for LSM, MC, and SPV mobility vehicles.
- The Company will establish a new Planning Division to which some of the functions of the Electronics Technology Planning Division of the Electronics Technology Section of the PF Model Unit will be transferred. Also transferring will be the electrical component development functions of the Land Mobility Business Operations Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit, the 1st Development Division, and the LSM transmission development and testing functions of Yamaha Motor Power Products Co., Ltd. (YMPC).
- The System Development Division of the Electronics Technology Section of the PF Model Unit will be transferred to the System Development Division.
- The Component Development Division of the Electronics Technology Section of the PF Model Unit will be transferred to the Component Development Division.
- The Advanced Development & Testing Division will be newly established to transfer the advanced development functions of the Electronics Technology Planning Division of the Electronics Technology Section of the PF Model Unit, and some of the functions of the Component Development Division of the Electronics Technology Section within the PF Model Unit.
- In line with this, the Electronics Technology Section of the PF Model Unit will be dissolved.
11. Motorcycle Development Center
With the aim of clarifying business operations and maximizing performance through organizational management specializing in motorcycles and motorsports, the PF Model Unit will be renamed the Motorcycle Development Center and will be reorganized.
- The organizational structure of the PF Model Development Section within the PF Model Unit will be changed, and its name will be changed to the Motorcycle Development Strategy Division.
- The prototype planning and procurement functions of the Prototype Technology Division of the Manufacturing Technology Center will be transferred to the PF Model Development Section within the PF Model Unit, and reorganized as the Motorcycle Development Strategy Division.
- Some of the testing functions of the Off-road Vehicle Development Division and the testing management functions of the PF Strategy Division within the PF Model Development Section of the PF Model Unit will be transferred to the Motorcycle Testing Division within the PF Model Development Section of the PF Model Unit. These will then be reorganized into the 1st Motorcycle Testing Division and the 2nd Motorcycle Testing Division.
12. Land Mobility Business Operations
≪Motorcycle Business Unit≫
The Motorcycle Business Unit will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening marketing capabilities and improving management of regional businesses.
[Marketing Section]
- The Global Branding Section will be renamed to the Marketing Section.
- A new Marketing Strategy Division will be established within the Marketing Section, which will consolidate marketing strategy formulation, business promotion, and branding activities.
- Product planning functions will be consolidated, and the Product & Marketing Planning Division within the Global Branding Section will be renamed the Marketing Strategy Division within the Marketing Section.
- Model profitability planning and management operations will be consolidated, and the Planning Consultancy & Intelligence Division of the Global Branding Section will be renamed as the Planning Solution Division of the Marketing Strategy Division.
[Business Management Section]
- The business planning and integrated strategy operations of the Land Mobility Total Strategy Section will be integrated with the 3S 1st Area Section and the 3S 2nd Area Section of the Motorcycle Business Unit to establish a new Business Management Section.
- The Business Planning Division, Southeast & East Asia Division, Emerging Countries Division, and Advanced Countries Division of the 3S 1st Area Section and the 3S 2nd Area Section within the Land Mobility Total Strategy Section, will be transferred to the Business Management Section.
≪Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit≫
The Smart Power Vehicle Business Unit will be reorganized with the aim of consolidating resources to improve technological development capabilities in the electric vehicle field across the company and to increase operational efficiency.
- The 2nd Development Division will be renamed the SPV Development Division and will be responsible for vehicle design and testing focused on the development of completed vehicles for the domestic market and JW vehicles for the domestic and overseas markets.
- The 3rd Development Division will focus on the e-Kit business and advanced planning and will be renamed the SPV R&D Division, which will manage advanced development of peripheral devices and the development foundation for the entire SPV business.
- The 1st Development Division which develops and tests drivetrains and components will be transferred to the Powertrain Development Center, Mobility System Development Center and dissolved.
≪Electric Vehicle Business Development Section≫
A new Electric Vehicle Business Development Section will be established with the aim of improving management capabilities for the entire EV motorcycle business and transitioning it into a growth business.
- The business planning, product strategy, and marketing functions related to motorcycle EV products currently performed by the Land Mobility Total Strategy Section and the Motorcycle Business Unit will be consolidated to form a new Electric Vehicle Business Development Section.
13. Outdoor Land Vehicle Business Operations
A new Outdoor Land Vehicle Business Operations will be established with the aim of innovating its foundation for long-term growth and creating synergy effects by consolidating businesses with their main market in the United States.
- A new Recreational Vehicle Business Unit will be established to clarify direction and authority for the entire business.
- A new RV Planning & Strategy Division will be established within the Recreational Vehicle Business Unit, and the RV Division under the 3S 2nd Area Section of the Motorcycle Business Unit, which is part of the Land Mobility Business Operations, will be transferred to it.
- A new RV Development Division will be established within the Recreational Vehicle Business Unit, and the Off-road Vehicle Development Division of the PF Model Development Section within the PF Model Unit will be transferred to it.
- A new Low Speed Mobility Business Unit will be established to clarify direction and authority for the entire business.
- The Low-Speed Mobility Business Unit will include newly established divisions: the Strategy Planning Division, Marketing Division, and Development Division. Additionally, the business management, planning, development, and sales functions of the YMPC will be transferred to the New Mobility Business Development Division under the New Business Development Center.
14. Marine Business Operations
[Quality Assurance Section]
The Quality Assurance Section will be reorganized with the aim of streamlining and strengthening compliance assessments of various laws and regulations and the acquisition of international standard certifications.
- The planning and management functions for quality assurance work, as well as the functions for evaluating compliance with regulations, will be consolidated into a new Regulation QA Division.
[Development Section]
The Development Section will be reorganized with the aim of increasing development speed, strengthening experimental capabilities, and improving efficiency.
- The Project Testing Division and the Functional Testing Division will be integrated to form the new Experimental Testing Division.
[Planning Section]
The Planning Section will be reorganized with the aim of specializing in product planning functions.
- The regulatory certification acquisition and management operations of the Strategy Planning Division will be transferred to the Quality Assurance Section, which will be renamed the Product Planning Division.
15. Overseas Market Development Operation Business Unit
The Overseas Market Development Operation Business Unit will be reorganized with the aim of improving profitability through after-sales service and strengthening brand power.
- A new Service Division will be established, consolidating the service functions of the Africa Market Development Division and the Area Marketing Division.
16. Customer Experience Business Unit
The Customer Experience Business Unit will be reorganized with the aim of strengthening business governance and improving business management systems and operations.
- The quality and information control functions of the SCM Division and Service Division will be consolidated to create a new Quality Administration Division.
■ CxO (Chief Officer) New Position
CxO (Chief Officer): CEO, CFO, CQO, CSO, and CRCO are delegated some of the authority and responsibility of the president, and have the authority to give orders and instructions to the entire company in specific fields, and carry out business operations from a cross-organizational perspective. This is intended to strengthen governance further and speed up decision-making, with the aim of increasing corporate value.
■ Personnel changes (effective January 1, 2025)
1. Changes in duties of Directors and Executive Officers

2. Change in duties of Executive Officers

3. Changes in duties of Fellows

4. Changes in duties of Chief General Managers, Executive General Managers, Senior General Managers

5. Change in duties of General Managers

6. Personnel Changes at Group Companies