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Yamaha Motor Expediting Carbon Neutrality Goal for Company Factories to 2035 -- Carbon-free electricity accelerating progress toward a decarbonized society --

June 28, 2022

IWATA, June 28, 2022 -- Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 7272) is pleased to announce that the Company is accelerating its carbon neutrality goal for its factories--including those overseas--to 2035. This represents a 15-year jump as the original target year to achieve carbon neutrality in the revised Yamaha Motor Group Environmental Plan 2050 announced in July 2021 was 2050.
To achieve this new goal, the Company will push initiatives centered on minimizing its energy use as well as relying on cleaner energy. The projected result of these moves by 2035 is a 92% reduction in CO2 emissions (compared to 2010) from production operations at domestic and international Yamaha Motor factories.
Furthermore, remaining CO2 emissions will be offset by internationally recognized methods to carry out the Company's plan to achieve carbon neutrality at all its factories.

Minimize Use: Implement theoretical-value-based energy approach and promote process innovations

Main Initiatives Overview
Theoretical- value-based energy approach
Aims to minimize energy use by defining only energy truly required for creating products as having value, while considering all other types of energy consumption as targets for improvement
Meticulously implement auto-shutdowns of equipment to aim for zero standby and fixed energy consumption
Process innovations Introduce equipment of minimal size with minimal energy requirements but still delivering high productivity in order to secure significant energy savings

Cleaner Energy: Introduce renewable energy sources and promote use of fossil-free fuels

Main Initiatives Overview
Introduce renewable energy sources
Switch to Chubu Electric Power's Shizuoka Green Denki (zero-carbon hydroelectric power) at all facilities and worksites under the jurisdiction of the HQ from July 2022. Gradually switch to carbon-free power use at other domestic and international group companies, targeting a complete global switch to carbon-free electricity by 2030
Continue installations of solar panels to increase the ratio of self-generated electric power
Fossil-free fuels Drive the shift from fossil fuels to renewable power sources by introducing electric versions of industrial furnaces and other heat-generating factory equipment, steam-free air conditioning, and more
Carbon-Neutrality Plan for Yamaha Motor Plants

Yamaha Motor Group Environmental Plan 2050:

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