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Notice Regarding the Status of the Acquisition and Completion of Acquisition of Own Shares

June 16, 2022

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 7272.hereinafter, the Company) announces the status of the acquisition of its own shares based on Article 156 of the Company Law, which is applicable in accordance with Article 165, Paragraph 3 of the same law as follows. The Company also announces that it has completed the acquisition of its own shares, as resolved at the Board of Directors meeting held on March 23, 2022.

1. Type of shares acquired : Common shares
2. Number of shares acquired : 1,151,100 shares
3. Total value of shares acquired : ¥ 3,027,023,077
4. Acquisition period : From Jun 1, 2022 to Jun 15, 2022
(on the basis of execution date)
5. Method of acquisition : Purchase on the Tokyo Stock Exchange market


(1) Details of the resolution approved at the board of directors' meeting held on Mar 23, 2022:

・ Type of shares to be acquired : Common stock of the Company
・ Total number of shares to be acquired : 11,000,000 shares (maximum)
(Representing 3.18% of outstanding shares, excluding treasury shares)
・ Total amount of acquisition : ¥ 20.0 billion (maximum)
・ Acquisition period : Apr 1, 2022 to Jun 23, 2022
・ Acquisition method : Purchase on the Tokyo Stock Exchange market

(2) Total number and value of shares acquired pursuant to the above resolution:

・Total number of shares acquired : 7,644,300 shares
・Total value of shares acquired : ¥ 19,999,933,559
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