Yamaha Motor Chosen for "SNAM Sustainability Index" for Second Straight Year
June 18, 2019
IWATA, June 18, 2019 —Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 7272) announced today that it has been selected for inclusion in the 2019 "SNAM Sustainability Index." This index is created by Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Asset Management Co., Ltd. (SNAM), and this award marks the second year in a row that Yamaha Motor has been chosen for the Index.
Based on surveys* related to ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), each year the stocks of approximately 300 companies are selected for the SNAM Sustainability Index, which is used in "SNAM Sustainable Asset Management" aimed at pension funds and institutional investors. SNAM Sustainable Asset Management aims to contribute to asset building by long-term investors through evaluation of corporate value from a long-term perspective by uncovering hidden risks and management quality which are not evident in financial statements.
As part of the Long-Term Vision and Medium-Term Management Plan announced in December 2018, we specified resource and environmental issues, transportation, educational, and industrial issues, innovation issues, and work style issues as serious social issues which Yamaha Motor should address, and set out our stance, goals and action plans as a "company actively engaged in the development of a sustainable society" in the "Yamaha Motor Group Environmental Plan 2050" announced the same year. We will continue our initiatives with a global perspective in order to make these plans a reality.
*Evaluation based on details of responses to the "Buna-no-mori Environmental Questionnaire" conducted by Sompo Risk Management Inc. and the "IntegreX Survey" conducted by IntegreX Inc.