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Dividends / Shareholder return policy

Basic policy regarding return of profits to shareholders

Basic policy regarding return of profits to shareholders

We will pay stable and continuous dividends while considering the outlook for business performance and investment for future growth.
In addition, we will return profits to shareholders in accordance with the scale of cash flow, and the total return ratio will be set at a target of 40% for the cumulative total of the Medium-Term Management Plan period.

1. Forecast for Cash Dividends

Forecast for FY2025
Interim Dividend Year-end Dividend Annual Dividend
Dividend per share (Yen) 25.00 25.00 50.00

2. Changes in Actual Dividend per Share (Yen)

Graph: FY24/12 EPS 110.12 / Cash Dividends: 50.0 / Total Return Ratio (Incl asquisition of treasury stock) 63.7%
*payout ratio(%) = dividend per share/net income per share x 100
*The Company conducted a 3-for-1 stock split of common stock on January 1, 2024.
Figures for prior periods are shown after taking into account stock splits.
Interim Dividend Year-end Dividend Annual Dividend
December 2020 0.00 20.00 20.00
December 2021 16.67 21.67 38.33
December 2022 19.17 22.50 41.67
December 2023 24.17 24.17 48.33
December 2024 25.00 25.00 50.00
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