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Disclosure Policy

Yamaha Motor's finance related thoughts

We, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., publicize information to our Web site visitors based on our disclosure policy written below.

1. Disclosure Standards

Our disclosure is made in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Regulations (the "Regulations") enacted by the Tokyo Stock Exchange ("TSE").
The Regulations require timely disclosure when a decision, event or information regarding accounts settlement that affects investment judgments occurs, or when an inquiry is made by the TSE, or when a material change, suspension or discontinuation occurs on the contents of material corporate information which has already been disclosed.
It is also our policy to disclose, as much positively and fairly as possible, information that does not fall under the Regulations, such as the contents of announcements made at a meeting with institutional investors, in order to better meet investors' needs.

2. Information Disclosure Method

Disclosure of information falling under the Regulations is publicized through the Timely Information Disclosure System (TDnet) offered by the TSE after prior explanation to the TSE in accordance with the Regulations. We post each piece of information publicized on TDnet on our Web sites promptly. A substantial delay in such posting on our Web sites may occur due to the particular circumstances of preparation of PDF files and other tools.
In disclosing information beyond that required to be released under the Regulations, we are endeavoring to ensure that such information is provided as much precisely and fairly as possible to general investors.

3. Future Prospects

We sometimes provide guidance concerning our future prospects in addition to profit estimates to be submitted to the TSE.
Any news release, questions and answers, or other letter or document from time to time issued by us, or the contents of our Web sites may contain information relating to our current plan, future projections, strategy and so forth. All statements in our Web sites, except for historical facts, are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Yamaha Motor and its group companies, which are based on management's assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available, and involve risks and uncertainties. Please be advised that actual results may differ significantly from those discussed in the forward-looking statements.
Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general economic conditions in Yamaha Motor's major markets, changing consumer preferences, and currency exchange rate fluctuations.

4. Characterization of Our Web sites

Our Web sites are open to all those who wish to search for information regarding us on the Internet. We post the information on our Web sites promptly after publication according to our policy to disclose information as fairly as possible. However, given possible delay in such posting due to internet technological failure and the like, we must characterize the disclosure of information using this and similar technology as a complimentary to traditional information disclosure.
In addition, our Web sites do not always contain all of the information disclosed by us. Furthermore, the manner of expression used for particular information may be different from that disclosed by another method.
You are requested to be fully aware of these qualifications when using our Web sites.

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