Integrated Report 2020
The Integrated Report 2020 contains a wealth of information about how we will grow going forward through Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives in addition to the Long-Term Vision and the strategies to achieve it contained in the current Medium-Term Management Plan (both formulated in December 2018).
*The 2020 in the title refers to the year this report was published.
Up until the report released in 2019, we used the fiscal year covered by the report (the year prior to publication) in the title and as such, there is no Integrated Report with "2019" in the title.

Integrated Report 2020

PDF12.0MB Integrated Report 2020 (For the year ended December 31, 2019)
This E-Book can be viewed as a booklet on a Web browser.
Sectional downloads
- Introduction PDF(3.0MB)
- A History of Creating Kando through Technology
- Yamaha Motor’s Presence
- Financial and Non-Financial Highlights
- Toward Sustainable Growth PDF(1.6MB)
- From the President
- Yamaha Motor’s Value Creation Process
- Important Societal Issues (Materiality Issues)
- Climate Change-Related Information Disclosure (based on the TCFD’s recommendations)
- Long-Term Vision and Medium-Term Management Plan
- Specific Initiatives toward Resolving Societal Issues
- From the Director, Chief General Manager of Corporate Planning & Finance Center
- Foundations for Creating Competitiveness PDF(3.3MB)
- Creative Branding
- Creative Design
- Research and Development
- Digital Transformation
- Procurement
- Manufacturing and Production (Monozukuri)
- Sales (Marketing)
- Human Resources
- Topics
- Initiatives for Improving Employee Engagement
- Yamaha Motor’s Sporting Activities
- Corporate Governance PDF(817.9KB)
- From the Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Dialogue between Outside Directors
- Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members
- Corporate Governance
- Risk Management
- Business Strategy PDF(1.6MB)
- Land Mobility
- Marine Products
- Robotics
- Financial Services
- Others
- Facts and Data PDF(1.0MB)
- 11-Year Summary
- Environmental and Social-Related Data
- Management Discussion and Analysis of Operations
- Global Group Network
- Corporate Information / Stock Information
Editorial Policy

This report is edited to give shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders a multifaceted understanding of Yamaha Motor’s sustainable growth.
The report was edited referencing the IIRC’s International Integrated Reporting Framework (released in December 2013) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation.
Financial, sustainability-related, product, and other information not contained in this report is available on Yamaha Motor’s official website.
* The 2020 in the title refers to the year this report was published.
Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
The statements in this report, except for historical facts, are forward-looking statements about the future performance of the Company and its Group companies.
These are based on management’s assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available, and involve risks and uncertainties. Please
be advised that actual results may differ significantly from those discussed in the forward-looking statements.
Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general economic conditions in Yamaha Motor’s major markets, changing consumer preferences,
and currency exchange rate fluctuations.