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Introducing design and technology to which Yamaha Motor has persistently committed.


Jin-Ki Kanno

Introducing Yamaha Motor‘s development ideal and the stories behind technologies

At Yamaha Motor, we have a long-standing exclusive development ideal called Jin-Ki Kanno.

Technology born from Jin-Ki Kanno seeks to deliver users the seductive exhilaration felt when they truly become one with their machine.

Quantifying and fine-tuning this kind of exciting performance, which we call Kanno Seino, and then building it into our products is a solid part of our Yamaha Monozukuri framework, and this development style permeates all of our workplaces.

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Human Research

One traditional Yamaha approach in technological development has been “human-centric” technology. There is human will, and there are actions resulting from spontaneous reactions that are different from conscious will.
There are also perceptions (sensibilities) and emotions, as well as rhythm and biological changes.
There is the realm of ergonomics in mechanical engineering, and beyond that there is the field of “human research.”
This knowledge enables us to believe in people, compensate for their disabilities, and build on their capabilities.
People mount their bikes ≒ bikes are mounted by people, and that is why we strive for Monozukuri that creates Kando*.

*Kando is a Japanese word for the simultaneous feelings of deep satisfaction and intense excitement that we experience when we encounter something of exceptional value.

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Technical Review
Archive of R&D reports and other technology-related publications
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