
The Waza: Combining Human Power and Electric Power



找到解决自行车在上坡或迎风中的弱点的想法在雅马哈发动机公司早已存在。 “如果有某种动力源可以帮助人踩踏板呢?” 1973 年,该公司在解决方案上的努力形成了一个项目,该项目生产了一个将小型 25cc 汽油发动机安装在自行车上的原型,以及另一个在 1982 年将一个 35cc 发动机安装在山地自行车上的原型。
终于在 1989 年,我们成功地开发了一个原型,该原型安装了一种我们称为“动力辅助系统”的新机制。这个原型成为我们 PAS 电动助力自行车的基础。我们研发工作的重点是什么将成为 PAS 自行车系列的核心技术——动力辅助系统。其目的是创造一种全新的车辆类别,即使它利用了电动机的动力,仍然可以称为自行车。这也意味着创造一个全新的移动标准,我们稳步解决并克服了开发过程中的一系列技术和监管障碍。

The Sube: Getting Acceptance as a Bicycle

In order to commercialize the new product, one of the biggest issues was how to position it with regard to Japan’s road vehicle and traffic laws. It was an issue that led Yamaha to repeatedly talk with and explain to officials at the related government agencies that the electrically power-assisted bicycle was a direct extension of a regular bicycle and that it would also contribute greatly to society in terms of energy-saving and reducing exhaust emissions.
After careful and prudent consideration, the involved agencies eventually recognized the social value of the vehicle and officially approved its classification as a bicycle in 1993. Then in July of that year, we unveiled the Yamaha PAS (with built-in 3-speed gear system) as a “world’s first product” and sales began on a limited basis in the three prefectures of Kanagawa, Shizuoka and Hyogo in November. This was followed by the start of nationwide sales in April 1994. After Yamaha pioneered this new category, Japan’s established bicycle manufacturers later began making their own offerings of “electrically power-assisted bicycles” and the market grew rapidly.
