
Electronically-Controlled Throttle


VX Cruiser 配备电子控制油门。

2005 年发布的 VX110DX/SP WaveRunner (#1)是一款标志着电子控制燃油喷射进化的重大变化的模型。 1,052cc 直列 4 缸发动机采用雅马哈首款电子控制油门。
在那之前,燃油喷射一直是手动控制的,骑手的输入直接打开和关闭节气门。骑手决定节气门提供的进气量,电子设备将控制燃油喷射系统,以确定在任何给定时刻发动机转速所需的适当燃油量和点火正时。另一方面,通过电子控制的节气门,它通过传感器检测骑手的节气门输入,并将数据发送到 ECU,然后确定所需的进气量并操作伺服电机来控制节气门。
传统的基于电缆的(机械)节气门设置控制阀门,节气门输入与阀门操作的比率基本上为 1:1。但是通过电子控制油门,能够使用来自每个传感器的数据来控制进气量是有好处的,包括更好的发动机感觉、更稳定的怠速、提高燃油效率和更环保的性能.它还可以为产品配备提高舒适度的功能。例如,在搭载 1.8 升发动机的 FX 系列车型中,巡航辅助功能消除了对油门微调的需要,使骑手可以以设定的转速巡航。

Evolution of the Electronically-Controlled Throttle

The motorcycle version of Yamaha’s electronically-controlled throttle was first put to practical use on the 2006 YZF-R6 (#2). The system was called the Yamaha Chip Controlled Throttle (YCC-T) and featured a compact 32-bit CPU that governed the four throttle valves. It could produce computations of inputs every 1,000th of a second, meaning even the slightest rider input would be met with an appropriately detailed response. This system gave the R6’s engine, widely regarded as high-revving due to putting out its maximum power after 14,000 rpm, an all-new level of smoothness.

Today, Yamaha’s electronically-controlled throttle is a fundamental feature that brings out the potential of various engines. The F350 outboard motor introduced in 2007 powered by a 5,330cc V8 engine (#3), the industry’s most powerful production outboard model, has improved low- and mid-range torque thanks to its Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) system. It also employs an automatic multi-engine rpm synchronization function for two- or three-engine configurations. The all-new 3-cylinder TR-1 engine (#4) mounted on 2016 model WaveRunners also incorporates the latest version of Yamaha’s electronically-controlled throttle.

On the motorcycle side, high-displacement machines in the R-Series, the MT-10 (#5) and MT-09, the FJR1300, XT1200Z Super Ténéré and other bikes make use of the YCC-T. This allows for them to be equipped with selectable ride modes, traction control systems and more, bringing out the potential of their high-capacity engines and giving the models a more enjoyable ride.
