At its Extraordinary Board of Directors Meeting held on December
4, 2009, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (the "Company") resolved that the current Managing
Executive Officer and Representative Director, Takaaki Kimura, will serve as acting
President of the Company effective December 4. Mr. Kimura was appointed to carry out
the duties of the President, Chief Executive Officer and Representative Director as a
temporary measure in place of Mr. Tsuneji Togami who is now hospitalized for medical treatment.
Message from President, Chief Executive Officer and Representative Director, Tsuneji Togami
First, I would like to apologize for inconveniencing
so many people by temporarily transferring my duties and
responsibilities as Company President, even though I have
just only assumed the position effective November 1, 2009.
I am personally determined to take the initiative in implementing
our corporate structural reform. However, I do not believe
we can afford to leave a vacuum in the Company's top management
in the current harsh business environment for my own health
reasons. Therefore, I have decided to ask our Managing Executive
Officer and Representative Director, Takaaki Kimura, to serve
as acting President. I will dedicate all my energies to treatment
and recovery, seeking to return to my position as quickly
as possible. I will then be able to do my best in helping
restructure the Yamaha Motor Group.
Message from Managing
Executive Officer and Representative Director, Takaaki Kimura
In this crucial period, when we must focus
on implementing our structural reform package to restructure
the Yamaha Motor Group as quickly as possible, I feel a particularly
keen sense of responsibility, having been appointed to serve
as acting President.
My mission during Mr. Togami's absence will be to implement
our structural reform more swiftly and return to profitability
in the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010 on a consolidated
basis. I recognize that this will require concerted, group-wide