Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. recently published the "CSR Report 2005," the first such report to be released by the Yamaha Motor Group, summarizing the Group's policies regarding CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) and outlining CSR activities undertaken during fiscal 2004.
The goal of this Report is to broadly publicize the Group's activities in the economic, environmental, and social fields, and to contribute to the pursuit of sustainable growth.
The Report will carry on the function of the "Environment Activities Report," which has been issued annually since 2000, while at the same time reporting on ongoing corporate activities in the fields of economics, the environment, and society, based on a CSR approach. The Report is comprised of two segments - the main volume and a "Data Book" - in accordance with guidelines provided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)* and the Japanese Ministry of the Environment. The main volume describes the Group's approach to CSR and reports on activities in the fields of economics, the environment, and society, while the Data Book provides environmental data and other detailed information on each of the Group's business sites.
In keeping with the change in the Group's term for settlement of accounts, CSR Reports are issued in March, where past Environment Activities Reports had been issued in June. As a result, the period covered by the first CSR Report will be nine months, from April 1 to December 31, 2004. (In comparisons with the previous fiscal year, some reference values are shown with conversions to reflect a 12-month period.)
Twenty thousand copies of the CSR Report will be issued, with copies being distributed to those shareholders attending the General Meeting of Shareholders, as was the case with Environmental Reports in previous years. (This year's General Meeting of Shareholders will be held on March 29). The Report will also be distributed on request to the general public and parties related to the Yamaha Motor Group in Japan and overseas, and will be available in digital format via the Yamaha Motor homepage. |
[1] The Yamaha Motor Group's Approach to CSR
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The Report will describe the Group's stance with regard to CSR and the significance of related activities based on the Company Motto and Corporate Philosophy, as well as in-house activities that support CSR and organizational structures designed to promote CSR. |
[2] Report on Yamaha Motor Group Activities in the Economics Field
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The Report will describe the Group's financial status and business performance, new mid-term management plans, and the costs of environmental measures.
Briefly, the costs of environmental measures and related economic effects are as follows: |
(1) |
In fiscal 2004, the total cost of operating expenses and investments in equipment and facilities was 4.3 billion yen (about 5.7 billion yen when converted to a 12-month period). This figure is at approximately the same level as the previous year. |
(2) |
The economic effects of environmental protection activities amounted to 300 million yen, roughly doubled from the previous year (145 million in FY2003). |
[3] Report on Yamaha Motor Group Activities in the Environmental Field
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Items covered in this Report include: approaches to environmental management; activities targeting the prevention of "climate changes" through the reduction of greenhouse gases; activities targeting reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in the production, development, and distribution stages; activities aimed at ensuring "health and safety" through reductions in harmful substances; and activities targeting the "protection of resources" through reductions in waste materials. The Report also includes specific examples of activities being undertaken by Group companies in Japan and overseas. |
Results and specific examples of these activities are as follows: |
(1) |
Total CO2 emissions for the Yamaha Motor Group in FY2004:
473,701 tons (413,755 tons in FY2003) |
(2) |
Although the total volume of CO2 emissions for Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. was 117,688 tons, an increase compared to FY2003 (111,920 tons), the volume of CO2 emissions per unit of sales was 17t-CO2 / 100 mil. yen (19t-CO2 / 100 mil. yen), representing a year-on-year decrease that has continued since FY1990 (23t-CO2 / 100 mil. yen). |
(3) |
Introduced cogeneration systems and solar power generators. |
(4) |
Promoted development of Fuel Cell Motorcycles targeting practical applications. |
[4] Report on Yamaha Motor Group Activities in the Social Field
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The Report describes social activities in two main categories: "Embodying Sincerity," which refers to corporate ethics and risk management, and "Embodying Kindness," which refers to "Ecolife" activities and social contribution activities in seven fields. |
Specific examples of these activities are as follows: |
(1) |
Held the "Yamaha CCS Academy" Seminar to increase the effectiveness of ethical behavior. |
(2) |
Provided support in the form of products and monetary donations to the regions affected by the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake in October 2004 and the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunamis in December. |
(3) |
Began "Eco-Commuting Activities," encouraging employees to commute by walking or riding motorcycles with little impact on the environment. |
[5] Activities targeting 2010
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The Report outlines the flow of the Yamaha Motor Group's environmental activities, and introduces the "Yamaha Motor Group Environmental Plan 2010." |
[6] Chronology of CSR-related Activities in FY2004
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The Report includes a chronology of the Yamaha Motor Group's CSR-related activities during fiscal 2004. |
*GRI: The "Global Reporting Initiative" is an independent institution that develops universal guidelines aimed at achieving "Sustainable Development."
The English Version of the "CSR Report 2005" will be posted on the Yamaha Motor website near the May. |