Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. has published the "2004 Environmental Activities Report" (covering the period from April 2003 - March 2004), which summarizes the results of environmental activities undertaken by the company during fiscal year 2003, and also provides a message regarding upcoming activities in FY2004. Yamaha Motor has published an Environmental Activities Report annually since 2000, making this the fifth such report to be issued by the company.
Following is an outline of some of the main activities undertaken during FY2003. |
1. |
In terms of environmental protection activities, the "Yamaha Motor - One Company" activities that had been conducted until FY2002 were expanded to encompass 136 companies in Japan and around the world. |
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As an example of this expansion, while CO2 emissions had been calculated by region until FY2002, in FY2003 we were able to calculate these emissions for each of the countries in these regions. |
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The "Keep Minimum Campaign" was initiated in January 2004, and is currently being implemented in Japan and overseas. The goal of this campaign is to minimize the consumption of energy in both the manufacture and use of Yamaha Motor products. |
2. |
In the product development field, we have developed the "FC06" scooter, which features a fuel cell that emits no carbon dioxide. The FC06 was displayed at the Tokyo Motor Show in October 2003, along with the Passol electric commuter vehicle and numerous other EV(Electric Vehicle) proposal models. |
3. |
In the manufacturing field, we have introduced a new "cogeneration system" that is designed to reduce both energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
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The system was introduced at Yamaha Kumamoto Products Co., Ltd., in July 2003, and at the Nakase Plant in March 2004. |
As in past years, the 2004 Report will be comprised of the Main Report and a supplemental "Data Book" containing detailed information on the status of environmental activities at each plant.
The Data Book will be offered as a separate CD and included with the Main Report. Roughly 20,000 copies of the Environmental Activities Report will be distributed worldwide. In addition to being used as a manual in the context of the Yamaha Motor Group’s global environmental activities, the Report will also be available to the general public through the Yamaha Motor homepage. |
<For reference> |

Main activities and information for FY2003 |
[Activities and information related to the "Economic Environment"] |
(1) |
Environmental costs: 5.6 billion yen (Capital investments: 1.2 billion yen / operating expenses: 4.4 billion yen; up 19% compared to previous year) |
(2) |
Effects: 145 million yen |
[Activities and information related to the "Natural Environment"] |
(1) |
Total CO2 emissions for the Yamaha Motor Group: 387,352 tons (393,516 tons in FY2002)
Of this amount, Japan accounted for 216,467 tons (222,431 tons in FY2002). |
(2) |
The "Eco Analysis Center" was established as part of efforts to monitor the current status of toxic substances. |
(3) |
Efforts to reduce substances that impact the environment at the product stage: total elimination of lead wheel balancers. |
(4) |
Efforts to reduce toxic substances in motorcycle production processes: reductions in hexavalent chrome and chrome waste liquids, etc. |
[Activities and information related to the "Social Environment"] |
(1) |
External activities focusing on the theme of "People's Hearts" |
- "40,000-person V Campaign" - encouraging participation in volunteer environmental activities |

Structure of Environmental Activities Report |
["Yamaha Motor 2004 Environmental Activities Report": Main Report (25 full-color pages)] |
- Contents - |
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Approach to Environmental Activities |
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Environmental Management System |
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Financial evaluation of environmental activities |
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Topics related to domestic and overseas products and technologies |
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Measures targeting global warming, toxic substances, and waste materials |
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Measures inside and outside the company |
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Environmental vision |
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Calendar of main environmental activities in FY2003 |
[Yamaha Motor 2004 Environmental Activities Report Data Book (CD)] |
- Environment-related Data - |
Environmental Costs / Company-wide Data (PRTR data, energy consumption, etc.) /
Performance of Products & Technologies / Environmental Data for Products /
Environmental Management / Environmental Data by Factory |