Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (YMC) has published the Yamaha 2003 Environmental Activities Report -- In Pursuit of Sustainable Development -- summarizing the Company's environmental preservation activities and results for fiscal 2003 (April 2002 to March 2003).
Content improvements in the 2003 report include a clear outline of Yamaha Motor's view on the environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable development for the Company. In line with this concept, Yamaha Motor classified its environmental activities based on their relation to the natural environment, economic environment, and social environment in the 2003 report. The Company also presents as main topics its progress in respect to the three environmental commitments it publicly announced.
In 2003, Yamaha Motor began globalizing its environmental activities by combining the implementation efforts of all Yamaha Motor Group companies in Japan and overseas. The 2003 report outlines the Company' stance and targets in this respect.
As with last year's report, the 2003 version consists of two booklets: the Summary and the Reference Book. The Company will publish and distribute 40,000 copies of the Japanese version. Both the Japanese and English versions will be posted on the Yamaha Motor website. |
2003 Environmental Activities Report (Summary) (28 pages, full color) |
Progress report on the three public commitments made in 2002 |
(1) |
Environmental preservation activities implemented in a concerted effort by the entire Yamaha Motor Group, including overseas companies.
Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by the Yamaha Motor Group worldwide amounted to 369,202 tons.
CO2 emitted in Japan accounted for 60% (220,138 tons) of the total.
Of the CO2emitted in Japan, 53% (116,604 tons) was discharged by the head office of Yamaha Motor. |
(2) |
Release of the Passol electric commuter vehicle, developed as an exclusive Yamaha Motor eco-conscious product. |
(3) |
Compliance with voluntary product and manufacturing process regulations, stricter than the legal standards.
Launch of full-scale green procurement
Total elimination of waste directly disposed of at landfill sites |
Activities related to the economic environment, and results |
(1) |
Environmental costs totaled 4,691 million yen (investment in equipment and facilities: 761 million yen; expenditures: 3,930 million yen), producing effects in the amount of 151 million yen. |
Activities related to the natural environment, and results |
(1) |
CO2 reduction target set at 110,000 tons (total amount).
Because the Company could not reduce CO2 emissions in proportion to the increase in net sales, actual emissions totaled 116,604 tons, exceeding the target by 6,604 tons. |
(2) |
Use of chlorine-based cutting oil, which is considered to produce dioxins, was totally discontinued in December 2002, and the switch to non-chlorine-based cutting oil has since been completed. |
(3) |
Establishment of stringent in-house standards in support of the "zero waste" policy.
October 2002: Achievement of the stated goal: "zero waste directly disposed of at landfill sites by the Company"
From 2004 to 2007: Zero waste disposed of at landfill sites by subcontractors
From 2008 to 2010: Zero waste processed by subcontractors |
(4) |
ISO14001 certification for three domestic and two overseas sites. (ISO14001 is a global standard for environmental management systems, essential for effective environmental preservation activities.) |
Activities related to the social environment, and results |
(1) |
Report on various "people-centric" activities conducted inside and outside the Company. |
(2) |
Promotion of "systems that work for employees": personnel development, worker safety and health management, and compliance activities. |
In Pursuit of Sustainable Development -- 2003 Environmental Activities Report (Reference Book) (28 pages, black and white ) |
Environment-related data |
Includes the Company's financial standing, environmental costs, targets and environmental activity results for fiscal 2002,companywide data (including PRTR data and energy consumption information), product/technology performance, product environmental data, environmental management information, and environmental data by factory. |