Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (YMC) announces the publication of its Yamaha 2002 Environmental Activities Report, consisting of a full report of the company's environmental preservation activity policies and results for the 2001 fiscal year (April 1, 2001 ~ March 31, 2002). This is the third annual environmental report to be published since the company's first report for the year 1999.
As with last year's report, the 2002 report consists of two booklets: a "2002 Environmental Activities Report" (main report) that features a large number of illustrations and is written in a way that can be enjoyed not only be experts in the field but by anyone with an interest in environmental issues, and a "2002 Environmental Activities Data Book" (reference booklet) intended primarily for those with a professional interest in the field. Based on the responses we received to our reader questionnaires, this report presents a fuller array of information primarily regarding the achievements of our environmental activities and related data as they apply to our products. Also, the report clearly defines the three primary environmental issues of (1) greenhouse gases and climate change, (2) toxic materials and our health and (3) industrial waste and recycling, and provides statements of YMC's commitments toward dealing with these issues from now on.
The Japanese version will be published for a distribution of 60,000 copies. An English version will also be published and both the Japanese and English versions posted on the Yamaha Motor website. |
Outline of the Yamaha Motor Company 2002 Environmental Activities Report |
Two-booklet edition, consisting of the 2002 Environmental Activities Report (main report) and the 2002 Environmental Activities Data Book (reference booklet), both published in A4 size (210mm x 297mm) using 100% recycled paper and environment-friendly soy oil-derived ink. |
2002 Environmental Activities Report (main report) (24 pages, all color) |
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Theme: "In pursuit of Sustainable Development" |
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Introduction of Environmental Policies and Corporate Philosophy Regarding the Environment |
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Preventing global warming by diligent pursuit of minimum energy consumption from product manufacturing through the use stage under our corporate ideal of "Keep Minimum" |
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Environmental Cost (introduced as of last year) Records and Comparison Vs. 2000 |
Environmental Cost: Approx. 4.7 billion yen (approx. 700 million less than 2000) |
Economic Effect: Approx. 200 million yen (approx. 100 million more than 2000) |
Environmental Data Book 2002 (reference booklet) (20 pages, no color) |
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Reference Book of Environment-related Data |
Environmental costs / energy consumption / office electricity consumption / copy paper (# of sheets) / waste materials and recycling / thermal recycling and volume disposal waste / environmental data by product / environmental performance for products, facilities, equipment / environmental data by factory, etc. |
Reference |
Concerning the reader questionnaire (81 respondents) that accompanied last year's YMC 2001 Environmental Activities Report (published Oct. 2001) here are some of the results. |
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Overall impression: Understood very well (34%), Easy to understand (29%) |
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Impression of contents: Contents hoped for (53%), expected (22%) |
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Contents that left an impression or were interesting: |
Contents telling about actual measures taken (38%) |
Philosophy and approach concerning environmental activities (35%) |