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Publication of Yamaha's Environmental Report 2001

October 15, 2001

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (YMC) has just published the Japanese edition of its report of environmental activities, philosophies and results for the 2000 FY (Apr. 2000 ~ Mar. 2001), titled the "Environmental Report 2001." Following the 2000 report published last year, this is YMC's second such publication.
This year's report has been two volumes, including the "Environmental Report 2001" which has been edited into a very readable format that includes numerous illustrations designed to make the contents especially easy to understand, and the "Environmental Data Book 2001" containing more detailed environmental data by factory and product line. Also, for the first time the report will release figures on "environmental activity costs" and PRTR* data, making it even more complete than our 2000 edition. Furthermore, to ensure that as many people as possible have access to this report, it will be distributed free of charge to all people requesting copies, as well as to our domestic distribution network, customers and public institutions in the various localities. For this reason we will be publishing this report in an edition of 70,000 (about ten times the number of the 2000 edition).

* PRTR data:
In light of the April 2001 enactment of the PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) Act, we have created our own system for databasing PRTR information called the "Y-ECOM PRTR System," which enables us to get a clear picture of the volumes of chemical substances used in our factories, their emissions and their transfer off-site.

Outline of Yamaha's Environmental Report 2001

This is a two-volume report including the "Environmental Report 2001" and "Environmental Data Book 2001".
Published in A4 size on 100% recycled paper and printed with soy oil ink.
* Environmental Report 2001 (20 pages, all color)
- Introduction of environmental activity policies and organizations
- Introduction of products introduced under our "Keep Minimum" slogan
- Promotion of sustainable development projects based on "minimizing environmental impact" and "longer product life"
* Environmental Data Book 2001 (12 pages, black and white)
- Environmental data of the various kinds
Costs involved in environmental measures / environmental data by product / environmental data by factory / PRTR data, etc.
* Data released for the first time
* Environmental costs - approx. 5.4 billion yen
* Economic effect - approx. 100 million yen
* Energy consumption - approx. 33,000t-C (tons carbon)

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