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PWseries CE

Natural and dependable ride

PWseries TE Natural and dependable ride

It just feels so natural!

Yamaha Motor focused the PWseries CE development efforts in the achievement of natural enjoyable ride.
Measures taken include: weight and noise reduction, implementation of the Automatic Support Mode and walk assist.



The PWseries CE lightweight, starting at 2.9kg, adds to the unit's natural assist setting to provide an enjoyable ride. The rider should feel a light, swift handling while on the move and noticeable lightweight while pushing the bike around.


02|Most quiet drive unit

Yamaha Motor strived to offer its most quiet drive unit to date, reducing noise significantly. With the PWseries CE, early morning rides in the park closest to you instantly become a relaxing nature-immersive experience.

Most quiet drive unit

03|Compact design

The ideal of unity of power assist unit and bike is also perceivable to the eye. The PWseries CE compact design gives a sharp and overall clean look to the bike.

Compact design

04|Automatic Support Mode

The quest for an ever more natural e-Bike ride goes beyond hardware improvements. The PWseries CE uses Yamaha Motor’s extensive software setting know-how in its Automatic Support Mode. The system copes swiftly with constant changes in riding conditions – think of those upwind rides, and constant stops and starts for traffic lights – by automatically selecting the most appropriate support mode. The Automatic Support Mode also provides strong and smooth support for every start. It can be deactivated at the will of the rider.

Automatic Support Mode

Examples of “Automatic Support Mode”application
Support mode changes automatically

Riding up hill

Riding up hill

Against the wind

Against the wind



05|Walk assist

Handling an e-Bike should not be a burden when you are off it. The walk assist in the PWseries CE comes in handy when pushing the bike, even up steep slopes or when the bike is carrying heavy loads.

Walk assist

No compromise when it comes to reliability!

No compromise when it comes to reliability!

Over the years, Yamaha Motor has earned a reputation for high standard quality, offering e-Bike Systems with excellent reliability. A dependable drive unit for city ride is the key to reduce risk of getting late to work or wasting precious leisure time. An e-Bike equipped with the PWseries CE is ready to be your daily transportation choice.

Maintenance free

The unit needs no regular replacement of internal components. Ride far without the worries of not having your trusted technician nearby.

Resistance to external factors and overheating

Features excellent resistance to external factors and overheating. Just ride longer and enjoy a wide variety of landscapes.


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