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WV YRA Area Instructor Training in Russia

Report on WV YRA Area Instructor Training in Russia

Date of the Event : 24-28 June, 2012

In period from 24th to 28th of June 2012, Yamaha Motor CIS have organized and led first WV YRA Area Instructor Training in Russia. The event was held on one of the pools of Moscow river in Moscow city, Strogino region.

12 representatives from 11 dealer and 2 Yamaha motor CIS managers were invited to join the training. Criteria for choosing participants from Dealer companies became: 1. - best sales of WV and 2. - location of the company which must be close to the water (river, lake, sea). Training was led for two groups made of 6 people, training for each group took 2 days. First day included presentation of the WV YRA concept and theory of the course, after it was practice on water. Second day included paper exam and practical exam, checking the result of participants and issuing certificates. Main highlight of the training program were: technical check of WV before riding, main International navigation rules, necessity to wear safe gear, explaining in theory and in practice on water main principle of WV safe usage fulfilling exercises and how to teach it to Yamaha WV owners. Plus at the very end of the program there was a presentation of Sport boat knowledge from promotional and technical point of view.

As a result all participants successfully passed the exam and got certificate of WV YRA Area Instructor. As a next step, each of them should lead the same Yamaha Academy at least once per season to teach potential and current clients.

Within the event there was Russian Federal News Channel was involved to make a short video about Yamaha Safe Riding Academy and it was shown on news to popularize healthy and sportive style of life together with Yamaha product and importance of safe riding.

Oxana Tuz, Yamaha Motor CIS LLC

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