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1st South Brazil PWC Meeting

Report on 1st South Brazil PWC Meeting.

On the 19th of February, Riograndense Jet Ski Association and the Yamaha dealer MOTORYAMA organized the 1st South Brazil Meeting for personal watercraft at the Pinguela Yacht Club in the city of Osorio, Rio Grande do Sul with great success. The weather on event day was fine and some 220 people with 120 personal watercraft gathered to participate. About 90% of the PWCs were Yamahas, making it a big image-booster for the Yamaha brand and a good opportunity for owner follow-up. The schedule included a 2-hour PWC touring event and 400-meter dash races. For participant family members there was an onsite beauty parlor set up and a children's playground to make it a fun day for everyone.

From Fumihiko Kitano, Yamaha Motor do Brasil Ltda

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