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WaveRunner experience tour in AYAPEL, March 2010

Report on WaveRunner experience tour in AYAPEL, March 2010.

From Ayapel to San Marcos, Tuesday March 30, 2010

The first WaveRunner Xperience Tour in Colombia was held by Eduardono on March 30. The distance From Ayapal to San Marcos is about 35 km.

The WaveRunne customers from Ayapel are gathered, 7 WaveRunners with 12 participants and Eduardoño Team company. From Eduardono team, three employees are participated with FZR and small boat with F40B.

On Monday 29, prior to the Xperience Tour, Eduardoño Team made an advance travel to check the route. On Tuesday 30 morning Eduardoño Team welcome the participants and gave them their event t-shirts. We depart to San Marcos around 10 am. Weather was cloudy and rainy but it was no problem because participants were so happy about the event they didn't matter. Some of them carried jackets and used them.

First we traveled through the Ayapel lake until we found San Jorge river that took us easily to San Marcos lake. We traveled for about 1 1/2 hours to get to San Marcos. We arrived to a site called Cienaga Palo Alto, there we had arranged some light food for participants in a restaurant near the lake. Because it started raining a little bit harder, participants asked to return fastly, so after a small break we got back to Ayapel, this time we spent 2 hours to get back, we where navigating against the stream.

Because participants had their houses in different places around Ayapel lake, when we got to Ayapel, everyone took their own route to find their house, because it still were raining.

Reported by Javier Jose Wills Isaza

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