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S1 Adventure in Balsillas beach - Morrosquillo Gulf

Report on S1 Adventure in Balsillas beach - Morrosquillo Gulf - Caribbean Sea 2010.

Date :07-Jan-10
Place :Balsillas beach - Morrosquillo Gulf - Caribbean Sea
Organizer :Eduardoño S.A.
Country :Colombia

Once again, for the third time, Eduardoño visited Balsillas Beach with its S1 Adventure event. As last year people were expecting for us, but this time there were much more people. First we made the inscription process, and gave everyone a T-shirt and a cap. We divided the participants in thee groups, men's women's and kids. We decided to start the event with the kids that were the more exited ones, and didn't want to wait. Many kids already knew how the event worked so they didn't expect much information from us, but we gave them the instruction and recommendation as always, we reminded that the most important thing were a safe riding. After kids finished, came women's turn and finally men's. At this time waves were bigger so it was a little more challenging for them. During all the event the sun shined and it were breezy, so it was perfect.
Some opinions from participants:
Carlos José, was last year kid's category winner, and this time he repeated. "I knew I was going to win again, I knew the course from last year and I prepared myself mentally" he said, as he showed a big smile, and other kids shouted and applauded. Adolfo Correa, men's winner, said "even though this year we had to deal with waves and it was much more difficult to maneuver, I remembered the course so I could do some great turns that made win the first place". As for Eduardoño, Gina Monterrosa, that works in Eduardoño's Marina in Cartagena and who assisted to the event as staff said: "This is my first S1 Adventure event, and find it very interesting, it surprised me how participants enjoyed the event, specially kids, I think is a great event that Yamaha recommended Eduardoño".

*Kids can get PWC licence over 16 years old in Colombia.
The participants are over 16 years old and has licence in this event.

Reported by Juan Felipe Piedrahita Y

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