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Colombia Cleaning Day CONCIENCIA AZUL

Report on Colombia Cleaning Day CONCIENCIA AZUL.

Place:Guatapé jetty in Antioquia, Colombia
Date:March 1, 2010
Participant:41 High school Students
5 Teachers
17 Public officials from cleaning company
2 Policemen
3 Employees from the Marina (our dealer)
Eduardoño Foundation and Eduardoño staff

Description of the activity:

The cleaning day began at 8:00 a.m. in the High school facilities, initially we made the registration of students and the other participants. At 8:30 a.m. we started the talk (40 minutes) about environment care.
Parallel to the registration, two employees of Eduardoño prepared the tents that mark the garbage collection site.
At 9:30 a.m. all participants moved to the pier where the cleaning day took place.
Cleaning day ended at 11:00 a.m. with waste weighing, we collected 473.5 kg of garbage. At the same time we gave the participants a snack and give them the participation certificate.
At the cleaning we found plastic and glass bottles, many plastic bags, glass fiber wastes from boats reparation, tires, and even clothes.
At the end of the day, Eduardoño employees installed 21 the trash cans in the jetty walk.

To highlight:

The talk is a very important and key success of the cleaning day. It help the participants to identify the most common wastes and it's impact on environment.
The support from Public officials from cleaning company was one aspect to highlight, they showed their commitment. It is important to highlight the intention of continuing with this activity, turning participants in "The guardians of the lake"
Even though at first sight the cleaning place seem to be clean, we collected an important amount of wastes.
The trash cans are an excellent strategy to leave memories on the activity, in addition to advertise Eduardoño and Yamaha trademarks of commitment to the environment. It is very important that are Eduardoño employees who install the trash cans, this ensures that they are strategically located.

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