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WaveRunner Touring Ratchaburi province, Thailand

Report on WaveRunner Touring Ratchaburi province, Thailand.

WaveRunner touring in Ratchaburi was held in Mae Klong river, Thailand on May 30.
It's not just a touring, but has a unique concept of photo rally.

Ratchaburi is one of the central provinces of Thailand, its name meaning is "The land of the king". The province is full of cultural heritage, beautiful places, and historical sites. Besides, it is a land of rich and varied culture and origin, much of which has been preserved and can still be seen today. Amongst the things of interest are the histories, the way of life, the culture, and the natural beautiful including caves, streams, forests and mountains.

The purposes of this activity are; to support and promote tourism by local river transportation, establish good relationship among PWC users, local public organization and Yamaha, maintain old customers in the mean while try effort to approach the new prospect customers in order to expand our WV market as well as in sales network and construct new channel Marine activity for customer's family on weekend.

The touring started from10:00 and ended at 15:00 and the distance is 80 kilometers approximately. There were 52 participants or 23 units of WaveRunner attended this time. The rule is not so difficult. The more places the participants visit and take the photo as the evidence of visiting, such as temple, local food restaurant located near the river, and floating market, the more score they could get. However, the time or speed is also important to compute the total score. After finishing the touring, Watchara Marine, authorized Yamaha Thailand distributor provided prizes for those winners. Most participants enjoyed and requested the next time of WaveRunner touring.

Visiting temple
*The riders are wearing helmets, for they are racers. The manufacturer does not recommend that customer wear a helmet for general uses.
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