第1條 使用許可
- 本公司以使用者在遵守本協議的條款下使用為條件,授予使用者非獨佔且不可轉讓的使用權(不包括重新許可的權利)。
- 使用者可以在使用本軟體所需要的限度範圍內在將本軟體下載到使用者的計算機上使用。
- 要使用本軟體的所有功能,有時需要將本公司提供的指定硬體金鑰(以下稱為“加密狗”)連線到計算機上,或者有時需要用軟體金鑰(以下稱為“許可證金鑰”)在本軟體上註冊以進行許可證認證。在這種情況下,如果未獲得許可,則本軟體可以使用的功能將被限定在一部分功能中,並且本協議所許可的關於本軟體的使用權利也將被限定在該範圍以內。
- 使用加密狗或許可證金鑰的使用者應視為已理解並同意以下事項。
第2條 使用限制
- 使用者不得全部或部分修改包括本軟體、加密狗、加密狗驅動程式、許可證金鑰在內的相關軟體以及相關文件(以下總稱“本軟體等”)。
- 使用者不得對本軟體等進行反向工程,如反彙編、反編譯等。
- 使用者只能在本協議規定的範圍內使用本軟體等,不得以任何目的(包括商業目的)為由複製並向第三方分發、再許可、出售、出借、轉讓、透露、或租賃本軟體等。
- 使用者應遵守本軟體適用的所有國內外法規(包括但不限於出口管理相關規則或使用者、使用方法、使用地區相關限制等)。
- 除上述1~4以外,使用者不得有本公司判斷為不當並告知的行為
第3條 本軟體等的權力
第4條 責任限制
- 本軟體等按原樣提供,本公司不做任何明示或暗示,不保證本軟體等沒用錯誤、漏洞等缺陷、不保證本軟體等完全執行、不保證符合使用者的預期用途,包括不侵犯第三方的權利。
- 在第6條第1款及第7款可適用的前提下,在不法行為責任、協議責任及其他責任的概念下,對於使用本軟體或與本協議的條件相關聯而產生的使用者的一切損害(包括但不限於特別的、附帶的、間接的、派生的損害、利潤或資訊損失、事業中斷、身體損傷、隱私喪失、其他一切金錢或非金錢損害)以及使用者對第三方的生命、身體或財產所造成的一切損害,除故意或重大過失外,本公司及本公司的關聯公司均不承擔任何責任。
- 即使在本公司及本公司的關聯公司對使用者負責的情況下,其損害也僅限於對使用者實際造成的直接且通常的損害,對於使用者的附帶損害、間接損害、特別損害、將來的損害及利潤損失,本公司及本公司的關聯公司均不應承擔任何賠償責任。
- 如果因使用本軟體等導致侵犯版權、專利權和其他智慧財產權而與第三方發生爭議時,由使用者自己負責解決該爭議,不得向本公司索賠。
第5條 協議的解除與終止
- 如果使用者違反本協議中規定的條款,本公司將立即終止本協議。
- 在前款所述的情況下,本公司遭受損害時,本公司可以向使用者索賠。
- 根據本條第1款的規定,本協議終止時,使用者應立即停止使用本軟體等,並迅速將加密狗或許可證金鑰返還給本公司並承擔所需費用,同時應將本軟體等廢棄並解除安裝,並將證明已廢棄並解除安裝的檔案送至本公司。
- 即使本協議根據本條第1款的規定而終止,本公司也不會退還使用者支付給本公司的本軟體等的使用費。
- 根據本條第1款的規定,本協議結束後,第3條、第4條、第5條、第6條的規定應繼續有效。
第6條 其他
- 即使在本協議的所有或部分特定條款中包括無效或不能強制的因素,其他條款的有效性和強制力也不受影響,這些無效或不能強制的條款被視為可以置換為可以儘可能地實現最初預期的當事人的權利義務的有效且可強制的條款。
- 如果使用者想要出口本軟體等,則必須遵守日本、美國和其他各國所適用的出口管制法律法規。
- 本協議受日本法律管轄。與本協議相關或由本協議引起的任何爭議應由東京地方法院作為一審專屬協議管轄法院裁決。
- 本協議以英語及日語製作、簽訂及實施。本協議被翻譯成英語及日語以外的語言時,僅作使用者參考之用。
- 包括所有補充、變更協議在內,本協議是使用者與本公司之間關於本軟體的完全協議,就本軟體及其他可成為本協議物件的主題對目前存在的所有協議、建議、表明、意見等進行了整合,並應優先於或排除這些內容。
- 即使本協議的當事人未行使本協議規定的權利,也不視為該權利被放棄。另外,本協議規定的權利的行使,對本協議或適用的法令下當事人所持有或取得的其他權利或救濟都不產生影響。
- 本協議中規定的任何條款都不應限制使用者在強制法規下可取得的、不可放棄的本軟體權利的行使。
- 使用者為未成年人、成年被監護人、被保佐人或被輔助人等時,應在使用本軟體之前事先取得法定代理人的同意。在這類使用者使用本軟體時將視為已得到法定代理人的同意。
- 本公司認為有必要時,應可以在未經使用者同意的情況下變更本協議。變更本協議時,將透過本公司網站上的公告及其他合適的方法告知變更後的本協議實施時期及內容。
This End User License Agreement (subsequently referred to as "this Agreement") is an agreement between the customer (subsequently referred to as "Customer") and Yamaha Motor Corporation (subsequently referred to as "Yamaha") regarding all software , including without limitation, support software, firmware or driver, that are provided by Yamaha on registered "Member site" on the Industrial Robot website.
Article 1 Grant of right to use
- On the condition that Customer uses this Software in accordance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Yamaha grants Customer a non-exclusive and non-transferrable right, without the right to sublicense, to use this Software.
- Customer may download and use this Software on a computer of Customer to the extent necessary for the purpose of use thereof by Customer.
- Customer may be required to separately obtain a specific hardware key or software key to be provided by Yamaha (subsequently referred to as "the License key ", collectively ) for its access and use of all functions and features originally contained in this Software. In such cases, the functions and features of this Software made available to Customer without the License key is limited to a certain portion thereof, and the scope of right to use this Software granted under this Agreement is also limited to those necessary for use of such portion.
- Customer, who uses the License key , acknowledges and agrees the followings:
(a)one (1) License key may be used simultaneously on one (1) computer;
(b)proprietorship of the License key provided to Customer shall remain and be reserved by Yamaha;
(c)provisions of this Agreement shall apply to any use or otherwise disposal of the License key by Customer; and
(d)Yamaha will not reissue the License key lost or broken by Customer for any reason, including theft or events of force majeure.
Article 2 Limitations on use
- Customer shall not modify this Software, the License key or their related software and documents (subsequently referred to as "the Software Products", collectively) in whole or in part.
- Customer shall not reverse-engineer the Software Products in any way, including but not limited to reverse-assembly or reverse-compilation.
- Customer shall use the Software Products only within the scope specified in this Agreement, and Customer shall not redistribute, relicense, sell, lend, transfer, disclose, or lease the Software Products to any third party for any purpose including commercial purposes.
- Customer agree to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to this Software, including any trade or export regulations, as well as end-user, end-use, and destination restrictions issued by any competent authorities.
- In addition to the above paragraphs 1 through 4, Customer may not conduct any other prohibited acts that Yamaha may determine and notify from time to time.
Article 3 Rights to the Software Products
All and all rights and interests including copyrights in relation to the Software Products shall be the property of Yamaha. Customer shall possess no rights to the Software Products other than those rights to use specifically granted by this Agreement.
Article 4 Limitation of Liability
- The Software Products are provided "as is" basis. Yamaha makes no warranties, either express or implied, that the Software Products are free from defects such as errors or bugs, that the Software Products will work perfectly, that the Software Products will be suitable for particular purposes of Customer, or that the Software Products does not infringe the rights of a third party.
- Subject to the terms and conditions specified in paragraph 1 of Article 6 and paragraph 7 of Article 6, Yamaha and/or any of Yamaha affiliates are not required to be liable to Customer for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits or confidential or other information, for business interruption, for personal injury, for loss of privacy, for failure to meet any duty including of good faith or of reasonable care, for negligence, and for any other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever) and third parties’ damages caused by Customer’s actions, arising out of or related to the use of this Software or otherwise under or in connection with any provision of this Agreement, under any theory of tort, contract, or otherwise; except in the case of gross negligence or willful act.
- In the event that Yamaha and/or any of Yamaha affiliates are liable to Customer, the subject of those liabilities shall be limited only to the actual and direct loss or damage incurred by Customer. in no event Yamaha and/or any of Yamaha affiliates shall be liable for any lost profits, diminution in value, exemplary, punitive, special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages or the like.
- If any dispute should arise between Customer and a third party due to Customer's use of the Software Products, whether a dispute related to copyrights, patents, or any other violation of intellectual property, Customer shall resolve such dispute on its own cost and responsibility, and shall make no claims or demands to Yamaha.
Article 5 Termination of this Agreement
- Yamaha shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement without incurring any obligation and responsibility if Customer violates any provision of this Agreement.
- If Yamaha incurs losses or damages as a result of Customer's violation of a provision above, Yamaha shall have the right to demand compensation for such losses or damages from Customer.
- If this Agreement is terminated due to clause 1 above, Customer must immediately stop using the Software Products, quickly destroy and uninstall the Software Products, return the License key, if any, to Yamaha at Customer’s expense, and provide Yamaha with written certification that this has been done.
- In case of termination of this Agreement due to clause 1 above, Customer shall not be entitled to receive any refund or other compensation from Yamaha for any reason.
- Articles3, 4, 5 and 6 of this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement due to clause 1 above.
Article 6 Others
- If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable wholly or in part, the validity or enforceability of the other provisions shall not be affected thereby. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed replaced by such valid and enforceable provision which serves best the economic interest of the parties originally pursued by the invalid or unenforceable provision.
- Customer shall strictly comply with any laws and regulations, national or international, on security trade/export control applicable to it in pursuing its activity in any way under this Agreement.
- This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan. Any dispute related to or arising from this Agreement shall be resolved by the Tokyo District Court as the primary court of exclusive jurisdiction.
- This Agreement shall be executed in, and controlled in all respects by, the English and Japanese language. Any translation of this Agreement in other language than the English and Japanese language is provided for Customer’s convenience only.
- This Agreement (including any addendum or amendment to this Agreement) is the entire agreement between Customer and Yamaha relating to this Software, and integrates, supersedes, merges, and cancels all previous and contemporaneous agreements, proposals, representations, and commitments with respect to this Software and any other subject matter covered by this Agreement.
- The failure of any party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or of the right of such party thereafter to enforce such provision. The exercise of the rights contained herein shall be without prejudice to any other rights and remedies which the parties may have or acquire hereunder or under the applicable laws and regulations.
- Nothing in this Agreement shall limit any non-waivable right to this Software that Customer may enjoy under mandatory law.
- If Customer is minor, adult ward or person under curatorship or assistance, Customer shall receive the consent of Customer’s legal representative, guardian, curator, or assistant before using this Agreement. When Customer uses this Software, Customer shall be deemed to have received the consent of them.
- Yamaha reserves the right to amend or change any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement without prior consent of Customer when Yamaha deems it necessary. In the event of any such amendment or change, Yamaha shall inform the effective time and content thereof by posting on the website or other appropriate way.
(zip 14.5MB)

機器人事業部 營業統括部 FA 營業部
地址:433-8103 靜岡縣濱松市中央區豐岡町 127 番地
電話:+81 53-525-8350 (售前)/ +81 53-525-8160 (售後)
傳真:+81 53-525-8378