Four Stroke
Four stroke outboards, their features, functions and specifications

Outstanding Fuel Economy and Clean Emissions
Yamaha offers a full model lineup in four stroke engines from 450ps to 2.5ps that deliver superb fuel economy and cleaner emissions. Outboards of 20ps and higher are equipped with high-performance fuel injection to take that performance to even higher levels. In many models, our advanced technology realizes acceleration performance and a lightweight, compact design.

V8 5.6-liter 450-400ps

V6 4.3-liter 350ps

V6 4.2-liter 300-250ps

V6 3.4-liter 250-200ps

L4 200-115ps

From 100-75ps models

From 70-2.5ps models
The lineups of outboard models offered differ by country or area. Product names, coloring and graphics may also differ. The specifications of outboards shown on this website may be changed or production discontinued without notice.
Always read your owner's manual before using the outboard and be sure to use it properly.
Direct inquiries concerning Yamaha outboards to your country's distributor or local dealership..