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Yamaha Motor Revs Your Heart

Mobility Service Business


Introduction of Internship Program to the International Students

「Apply knowledge」x「Learn Business」x「Kando」
= MSB Internship

Benefits gained through the internship program

1. Basic knowledge of Yamaha Motor's history and business.

2. Knowledge of MSB business.

3. Gain work experience in a Japanese company while utilizing your own expertise.

Studentʼs eligibility


  • Finance
  • IT
  • Business Development


  • Market insights
  • New business model proposal
  • Bridge between MSB and home country (University)

Comment from past interns

"I was able to gain knowledge about various mobility business models, methods for conducting market research, analyzing market trends, and formulating Go-to-Market strategies."
- A.E., 23-year long-term intern.

"Before presenting my final presentation, I was able to learn about the types of questions that would be asked regarding the business idea."
- A.R., 23-year long-term intern

"I was able to experience the workplace culture. At Yamaha Motor, a renowned company in the industry."
- J.K., 23-year short-term intern.

"MSB internship provided me with valuable networking opportunities."
- B.M., 24-year short-term intern.

About MSB Internship Program

Onboarding Period:
Introduction to Yamaha Motor and MSB, factory tours and visits to mobility-related events.

OJT (On-the-Job Training) Period:
Carry out research on assigned tasks under the guidance of supervisors, followed by a presentation of results on the final day.

Types of MSB Internships

Summer Short-Term Internship:
Approximately 1-2 weeks during July and August.
<Procedures> On-line program
After about 2 days of basic training, participants will conduct research and make presentations under the guidance of their supervisors.
Long-term internship upon graduation:
Maximum duration 3 months, 3 times per year
<Procedures> (In principle) Off-line program
After about 2.5 weeks of basic training (factory tours, business briefings, foreign employee exchange meetings, participation in mobility-related events, etc. are planned), the remaining 7.5 weeks will be spent on individual work and presentation of research projects in accordance with the students' expertise under the guidance of the program supervisor.

Future Exhibitions

Exhibition Event Exhibition date Venue
JICA Networking Fair Autumn 2024 Friday, October 4, 2024, 10:00 - 17:00 Kobe Sunbo-Hall

Internship Report

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University x MSB : Contract-type Internship Program

Four international students from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (hereafter APU) participated in a contract-type internship program in the MSB Division from February 15th to 29th , 2024.

After acquiring a deeper understanding of Yamaha Motor and the MSB business, the APU students were assigned to groups to worked on assigned research projects.
The APU students commented as “The company is larger than I had imagined, and I had not expected such a wide range of businesses,” and “It is wonderful to be aware of Yamahaʻs philosophy of being a ʻKando-creating companyʼ in all its businesses, not just in the products that support people's daily lives.”

While the APU students were very enthusiastic about the challenges they faced in their research, since the topics that were different from their expertise. However, their overall feedback was that, they were able to acquire knowledge that they could not get at university, such as company rules and manners as a member of society, as well as research on assignments.

JICA Summer Internship 2023

JICA Summer Internship for International Students was conducted online at the end of July (7/20~7/26) and at the end of August (8/24~8/31), 2023. This year we accepted six students from Uganda, Eswatini, Ghana, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, and Georgia.

The first two days was mainly consist of explanations of Yamaha Motor and MSB business, while the remaining period was spent on research assignments and presentation of the research results was held on the last day of the program. JICA students gave their feedback and expressed their appreciation by saying, “Yamaha is involved in such a wide range of projects!” “I am glad I chose the MSB internship program! I would like to experience a long internship as well,” and ”I would love to see Yamaha expand its business in my home country as well.”

JICA students acquire new knowledge while utilizing their expertise in their research projects, exchange opinions with their supervisors, and present their research results in the final presentation. Although the research theme was a high hurdle, the smiling faces of the JICA students at the presentation showed that the internship had been a fulfilling experience for them.

JICA Spring Internship 2023

Internship at MSB Division for JICA international students lasted for about 2.5 months from March 29th to June 9th , 2023. The internship hosted students from Morocco and Kenya, who participated in activities to deepen their understanding of Yamaha Motor and to become a member of the MSB division to engage in the development of new business proposals.
The JICA students, who were initially very interested in Yamaha Motor's land mobility products, were surprised to learn a new aspect of Yamaha Motor each time they were briefed on the company's business.
In the research project, the JICA students used their own expertise and experience to propose the development of a new business model under the guidance of a mentor. At the final presentation, the JICA students presented new business models tailored to their current needs with the goal of expanding their business to their home countries in front of representatives of MSB's overseas subsidiaries, internal cooperating departments, and external parties.


Iwata Office

2500 Shingai,Iwata,Shizuoka,Japan

Yokohama Office

Yokohama Symphostage West Tower 9F, 5-1-2, Minatomirai, Yokohama Nishi-ku, Kanagawa

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