Technician Episode 02
Where I can explore and develop myself

Episode 02
Jignesh Girishkumar
Commuter model class Champion
- Hometown: Ahmedabad, India
- Dealer: Planet Automobiles
Jignesh Rana was not blessed with opportunity to get an education, but he chose to become a technician as a job that would challenge him to grow with only his skills to rely on. He has completed all seminars taken so far with a grade of A+. Now he is aiming to reach even higher as a mechanic, while also putting effort into training younger employees.

Getting started as a technician
As I was not able to continue my studies for financial reasons, I decided to choose a career in a field where I can explore and develop myself by improving my skills and knowledge. The motorcycle industry was growing, so I choose to make my career as a motorcycle technician. I started my career as a tire puncture repair assistant, then was promoted by improving my skills.
I started my career as technician in 2000. In 2003 I joined Planet Automobiles, Ahmedabad, I started my training from YTA in 2006 and was then qualified as a Silver Certified technician in 2013. And finally, I rose to the top as World Champion in 2016!
Initially when I joined Yamaha, I didn't own a motorcycle. Later, I bought a used motorcycle. It was a Yamaha Libero.
When I became the champion of WTGP2016, Yamaha Motor India Sales awarded me a Yamaha Ray ZR and I proudly gave it to my father. He is very happy with my achievements and he is enjoying his Yamaha Ray ZR.
I came to love Yamaha because of my encounter with RX-100.
I love the Yamaha RX-100 pickup and engine exhaust sound. My wish is to buy a used Yamaha RX-100 bike and then tune it to be like a brand new one.
Favorite repair work
My favourite work is electrical work. Whenever a customer complaint related to electrical parts comes to the workshop, I can do it enjoyable and seriously, because my confidence level was boosted by WTGP preparation training given to me by YTA.
When I became a technician as an assistant in tire puncture repair, my senior coworker was good at electrical work, and fortunately he taught me his knowledge and skills, which became the foundation of what I do now. That senior coworker is now 50 years old, but he is still working in good health, and I intend to keep working as hard as him.
Mr. Arkesh, our customer, has never had his vehicle serviced by anyone other than me. When I was getting ready to go to WTGP, he gave me his best wishes and when I returned as a champion he threw a party for dealer staff to celebrate my success.
Mr. Arkesh works in field sales, and he rides a motorcycle to do his job. Around 2003, several complaints were made about the FZ125, and the owner instructed me to handle the problem. I was able to fix it completely, so I have managed it as the designated technician ever since.
The moment I realized I love my job
After winning WTGP, when I was promoted to chief technician and given responsibility to reduce customer complaints in all branches, I felt motivated. When customers show gratitude for my work, I felt glad that I chose this job.
Recently, the happiest experience I had was, after I was crowned as WTGP champion, when I was returning to Ahmedabad, my dealer delegates i.e. General Manger & Works-Manager came to meet me at the railway station.
My dealer owner called and congratulated me for bringing laurels to Planet Automobiles.

Keeping in mind
There are three things I place great importance on when doing my job.
First, in India, the goal of relationships between people is to receive an invitation to their home, so I offer service every day to with the intent of building relationships with customers such that I could invite them to my home.
Second, I offer equal service to all customers.
Third, I fix all problems completely, on time.
Therefore, I treat our customers with a different approach; I notice customer observations and then try to give them a remedy to their problems.
I also have goals as the chief technician. I believe in team work and always motivate my colleague technicians to become professional technicians. Just the same as I became a WTGP champion, my future plan is to create the next WTGP champion from our workshop.
My dealer owner offered me a new challenge to train Planet Automobiles technicians (especially FI troubleshooting by using Yamaha Diagnostic Tool), so that customer complaints can be minimised. Precise and speedy trouble shooting helps to provide better service to customers.

Message to Yamaha customers
I want to convey this message to Yamaha customers; I recommend that they get their vehicles serviced by Yamaha authorised dealers. Just as a doctor treats patients, we technicians assume responsibility for handling customers' vehicles. We also recommend that our customers use genuine parts and accessories. This is essential to maintaining the original performance of motorcycles.