Message from the past prize winners


  1. What motivated you to challenge the WTGP at the time?
  2. What effort did you make to win the prize?
  3. Were there any effects in your job after you win the prize at the WTGP?
    Please introduce us the episode of the positive effects to your professional attitude and others.
  4. Let us know the activities or services your shop doing to go beyond the expectation of the customers if any.
  5. When do you find your job rewarding.
  6. What do you want to challenge or be passionately at work from here on?
  7. Please give a message for the 2016 WTGP participants to cheer them up.


Calvin Kenneth D. Tan
Dealer: Yamaha 3s Motortrade
Country: The Philippines
  • Q1What motivated you to challenge the WTGP at the time?
    What motivated me to take on the WTGP challenge were my family, my relatives, my friends, my colleagues, my customers, and my beloved country, the Philippines. I always think of them and together they inspired me to work hard in order to win the competition.
  • Q2What effort did you make to win the prize?
    I really pushed myself to take on the challenge and win. Knowing that this was once in a lifetime experience and the fact that I was representing my dealership Motortrade and my country, I gave it my best effort. With the guidance and support of the YMPH Education Team, we underwent intensive training for five straight days. We carefully studied each part of the competition and did a lot of simulated tests to know our strong points as well as areas for improvement. In my mind, I always believe that I can achieve my goals if I persevere and work hard.
  • Q3Were there any effects in your job after you win the prize at the WTGP? Please introduce us the episode of the positive effects to your professional attitude and others.
    Being a 2nd place winner in the WTGP meant a lot to me, both personally and professionally. It made me more motivated to continue improving myself in my chosen career. It made me a well-known technician in our town and province. Since then, more and more customers come to visit our shop for servicing. I feel they perceive that I have the skills to fix whatever problem they encounter with their motorcycles. Of course, I'm enjoying each moment meeting so many new customers. Making them happy by providing excellent service makes me happy too ? I think that's what kando is all about.
  • Q4Let us know the activities or services your shop doing to go beyond the expectation of the customers if any.
    For the activities we are doing to meet customer expectations, we always ensure that each customer will get very satisfactory service. With this, we are trying to find out what the customer really wants for his/her motorcycle. We also tried to promote our shop by publicizing that we have the best Yamaha Technician in the country and a 2nd place winner in a world-class skills competition. The special WTGP banner given by YMC was posted in a strategic location of our shop. This has further gained the trust of my existing customers and really helped us to attract new customers. As always, I apply to my job what I learned from my YTA training and from the WTGP.
  • Q5When do you find your job rewarding.
    I find my job rewarding because this is what I want to be. What I do makes me happy. I have loved fixing things since I was a child and in this job I am pursuing my dream as a technician. I think that lots of people can get found from technician work through assembling and overhauling , troubleshooting the motorcycle. This way, you get to learn a lot about the whole system of a motorcycle, especially the engine.
  • Q6What do you want to challenge or be passionately at work from here on?
    I really want to challenge myself in studying modern motorcycles with their new designs, concepts and innovations, and I really want to know more about big engines (Big Bikes). I would like to design engines based on my idea and concept when I get a chance.
  • Q7Please give a message for the 2016 WTGP participants to cheer them up.
    First, I want to congratulate all the contestants in the 2016 WTGP. In order to win this competition, I think it is very important to always maintain a positive attitude, have trust in your abilities and never lose your focus. Do your best to make your family and your country proud. Show everyone that you are the world's Number One Yamaha Technician. Finally, don't forget to enjoy the whole competition and make happy memories of your stay in Japan. Good luck & God bless each and every one of you!