Message from the past prize winners


  1. What motivated you to challenge the WTGP at the time?
  2. What effort did you make to win the prize?
  3. Were there any effects in your job after you win the prize at the WTGP?
    Please introduce us the episode of the positive effects to your professional attitude and others.
  4. Let us know the activities or services your shop doing to go beyond the expectation of the customers if any.
  5. When do you find your job rewarding.
  6. What do you want to challenge or be passionately at work from here on?
  7. Please give a message for the 2016 WTGP participants to cheer them up.


Guilherme Schulz
Dealer: Douramoto
Country: Brazil
  • Q1What motivated you to challenge the WTGP at the time?
    After some years of work doing almost the same thing every day, I thought I needed to do something better and gauge how much I know about my work, represent the name of my dealer somehow, motivate my colleagues at work and set some kind of example for better customer relations.
  • Q2What effort did you make to win the prize?
    After realizing that I really could go to Japan (here in Brazil we are on the other side of the globe), I started dedicating more time to studying and understanding how I could further my knowledge and practical skills. Even if this didn't lead to my getting first place, my daily work would improve anyway and nothing would be lost. I realized that I would need to change the way I behaved professionally with my work colleagues, learning more and more to quickly solve daily problems. In my daily routine, I was doing the same thing every day. I wanted to change that for my own benefit.
  • Q3Were there any effects in your job after you win the prize at the WTGP? Please introduce us the episode of the positive effects to your professional attitude and others.
    Yes, the results were very positive. Right after my return from Japan, besides the compliments and congratulations, my sales colleagues were already using my achievements to promote sales to customers. They realized how much an experience like that can motivate and how dedication can improve you and boost your self-confidence. I am always telling people how important experience is. What I have gained from experience motivates me to always try motivating others. Outside of the work environment, there is always some customer who remembers the fact that I represented Yamaha Brazil and showed the rest of the world how passionate Brazilians are about motorcycles. My old friends, and even new customers, know me already from media reports about the prize I won, making the experience all the more fulfilling and rewarding.
  • Q4Let us know the activities or services your shop doing to go beyond the expectation of the customers if any.
    The dealership invites customers to special events for new product launches. When the sales staff explain the product, they include the benefits of our all-round service maintenance and how this enhances the riding experience, whether for work or for leisure. We show customers how they can leave their motorcycle at the workshop and we will take care of it. We convey how our technicians have the skills to meet their needs, the excellent support provided from the factory through to the training offered, parts availability and top quality service.
  • Q5When do you find your job rewarding.
    It's rewarding to be able to make customers happy by catering to their needs, from the most basic to the most difficult. Their satisfaction is E recompensador sempre ao proporcionar a alegria ao cliente de que somos capazes de resolver suas necessidades, sendo ela a mais comum ate a mais significativa, e isso e demonstrado atraves de complimentsevident in their telling other customers about the quality of our service. All these experiences make my job rewarding and keep me working to develop a rewarding work environment. It is also rewarding when you can transmit confidence to colleagues and make them able to do something better for the customer and for themselves. There are so many rewarding moments that help to cancel out the bad moments and keep us trying to do a better job.
  • Q6What do you want to challenge or be passionately at work from here on?
    Each new day is a new challenge which we have to face as a new opportunity to learn. There are challenges behind any technical issue and we always need to work on ourselves to do it better and faster. Keep the position you've attained without losing your motivation, and without falling into a boring routine. Always be on the look-out for new techniques to learn and pass on to colleagues, in any department (sales, parts, etc.) where there is a need. It is my heartfelt honor to represent a company as well known throughout the world as YAMAHA.
  • Q7Please give a message for the 2016 WTGP participants to cheer them up.
    Friends, work to bring out your best. The reward of participating in such a big event is gratification, excitement and greater wisdom and recognition. For sure, it is an unforgettable experience and I am sure that after this wonderful Grand Prix every aspect of your life, whether at work, at leisure or with family, will improve. Each one of you will get to understand what "Revs Your Heart" really means.